
Disgusting, pandering episode. The government's gestapo glorified as if they were heroes rather than idiotic jarheads they truly are. Trespassing, occupying, and murdering for zionist US/Israel government corporation oil and opiate scam. I'll bet you all still believe the "official" 9/11 story. You haven't yet

Rich Southern California hippie women don't think once about Rick Simpson Oil? FFS. Completely unbelievable.

I found the "rescue" bit appallingly heartless in it's negligent perpetuation of dogs as just another commodity, the main reason our shelters are overfilled. Completely disrespectful spit in the face portrayal of those who work in rescue.

Puppy cam? Really? The addressing of sexual harassment is overshadowed by the glorification of puppy mills, one of the biggest sexual slave trades outside of the dairy industry. Although this series has many good points, it fails on many others again and again. Maybe the next season will see less flatly delivered