
Starred commenters (including editors by default) have their comments in black, unstarred commenters in grey, and commenters pending approval boxed in pink. It's possible in your account preferences or at the top of the comments to see the featured (black) or all comments. I believe only starred commenters see the

Moderators/editors can click 'thumbs down' to demote a comment, if it were off-topic, maybe. I know back when Crecente was EIC there was mention that posting internet memes, especially if off-topic, was frowned upon. Trying to keep the comments from becoming an outpost of 4chan. The comment sounds like a hint that you

Me too! I probably got it because the box art (which would be the album art, natch) looked cool. It was one of the worst games I ever played on the 2600.

First off, I should mention that, while I love the books, and love the series, it's not the end of the world if neither series ends. If one ends, that's probably enough to satisfy me. And if I had to choose only one, well, I might choose the series. Why? Well, when an author sets out to write a book, there is a

I absolutely LOVE the sarcastic agressive-aggressiveness there, Porxaderp. inb4 LOVE the meta-regressive aggressiveness there, buddhathing.

The funny thing is, while these folks may have been trolling, and may or may not be idiots, if they had honestly followed their goals, they might have ended up with something that actually supplemented Tropes Vs. Women in Games. Because, speaking as a man and a feminist, there were some valid points in those

I think it's possible to both like FFXIII and XIII-2, and still realize that Square Enix has stopped innovating, has been playing things extremely safe and is risking irrelevance, as regards FF. I am curious about this mobile FF, and I hope they expend a lot of effort on story and characters. SE could turn out a game

There were moments where JC edged towards being so fun that it felt like I might be watching something like Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, where it becomes impossible to distinguish between fun and greatness, and the greatness comes from the fun, because (especially in Raiders) all of the other stuff (camera

It's already pretty easy to do that sort of thing, isn't it? I forget what the protocol is that allows streaming content onto the 360, PS3 and some TVs, A/V receivers, etc. Maybe it's just not been possible from iPhones? I guess it's all in the interface, though, and I don't really see a downside to this. It would be

There's no such thing as a BLT with avocado, sir. How dare you sully the name of the mighty BLAT?

Growing up in the seventies and eighties, you knew gameplay was everything because graphics almost universally sucked. Or were nonexistent. I guess vocabulary constituted the graphics of text adventures. But boy, did graphics that look like things make gaming more pleasant; it's kind of understandable that an

I love how the @420xSkidxBluntz crew's idea of corporate espionage is sneaking a Deep Space Nine VHS episode with the copy protection tab taped over into work. As if there is ever a reason to bring a VHS copy of DS9 into an office building. I could probably watch DS9 on my fucking toaster, if I wanted to. Is this 343

I thought you hyperboled, but you told the truth, hard. I kept having moments of 'Oh, shit, when he says barn, it's like oh. Barn. Wait, is that a VH—? Oh shit, like... Literally.' Watching the video is a process of coming to grips with the truth of the video's description.

I have to admit, I'm currently addicted to Pinball Arcade's Arabian Nights. So, I'll be butting my head against its leader boards, and making occasional forays into Rayman Origins and Dark Souls.

I love kimchee!

I've seen Cabin twice, it's amazing, an instant classic, and it's still in a few theaters. Gather up your Whedonite friends (Avengers fans will do in a pinch) and go, people!


Do they have this product in Canada, if so, what do they call it, and how does it affect the universe of pork products? Enquiring minds...

This being the picture...

Musubi (popular in the cultural melting pot that is Hawaii) is pretty damn awesome. The picture pretty much explains it.