
Also... I'm not discounting the potential of textures to enhance a game visually, but obviously textures were less 'astonishing' in the console era in question. And, like anything else, textures aren't a panacea or a substitute for taste. What I actually like about the remake is that it's probably non the best that

I did get it at launch... but I wasn't holding it to technological standards, but to aesthetic standards. And aesthetically, Ocarina of time doesn't hold up as well as the original Legend of Zelda. I know a lot of people are impressed that they're seeing something they couldn't have seen before... I am too, if it

Two things come to mind. One, with such a lengthy development cycle, it's amazing that we got... not a perfect game, but still really a gem, and something that is going to pay dividends in probable sequels, inspiration to other studios and of course the amazing facial mapping technology that makes L.A. Noire's

Don't miss the forest for (admittedly, too many) trees... I agree that if you're re-releasing a game with a graphical overhaul, you should be able to toggle back-and-forth. I wonder if my little netbook could handle the PC version... It would be worth hooking it up to my TV, and a mouse and keyboard, definitely!

For the longest time I really wasn't digging Zen's tables... they just felt floaty and too fast. But while I still hope the Pinball Hall of Fame releases a portal for dlc tables, Zen has really picked up their game, and their Marvel tables, while still fast, have a really good feel, understandable goals, great fan

I totally agree with you, but I will never wax nostalgic over Ocarina's original graphics... In my opinion, Wind Waker is the only decent looking Zelda console game in the 3D era... I was super disappointed when I originally fired up Ocarina on my N64. Great game, but (to me) ugly. It's reach exceeded its grasp,

Officially the first time (of many) that I've read the words "War Games remake" without reflexively groaning. Still extremely skeptical.

Almost done (I think —- it's hard to tell with heavily footnoted books —- with David Foster Wallace's posthumously edited and published The Pale King, which I'm enjoying in bittersweet fashion. Also, a friend just today returned my copy of Watchmen which was erroneously returned to them by the wife of the friend I

Frankly, if running at 30fps means that the game will run at that rate consistently, I don't see a problem. What is truly upsetting is when a game slows down, right when things get intense.

Find a way to use 3DS units to double as Wii U controllers, Nintendo! Obviously not as cool in some ways, but would ameliorate this cost issue (your handheld isn't cheap, but it has other uses and this would add value) and you could resume printing money... Sony will almost certainly do this with the Vita if 3rd

That's what I'm hoping for... I've never seen the Redux or the Hearts of Darkness documentary which is supposed to be epic.

I just popped over to TAY to mention that, but you beat me to the punch. Deal starts at 12am Kotaku time... But I'm really tempted by the Apocalypse Now Blu-ray deal at 3.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced Nintendo has made a huge mistake by not making their new handheld and the Wii U controller one and the same. When the Wii was a huge success, Microsoft and Sony spent tons of money playing catch-up, to questionable results. But Sony should be able to mirror the Wii U

At least we'll likely see an appearance by Professor E. Gadd... but you're probably right.

This new controller is amazing, but rather than 3D, I wish the new controller and the new handheld console were the same thing, then they would likely guarantee the money printing capabilities of both systems, and plenty of people would have more than one... The huge screen is nice, but I would settle for a Super DSi

"No, Luke. I am your father." Emphasis is on the word 'I', not 'am'. Jeez.

I am absolutely thrilled that one of Nintendo's most underrated, perfectly polished gems is finally getting a sequel. That said, if there's not ever a game where I can use a Wiimote as my flashlight/vacuum cleaner, it will represent a huge missed opportunity. Still cannot wait for LM3DS!

What really kept me from disappearing into the game completely was the ineffective map overlay. Either the HUD map needed to be more helpful, or the street signs needed to be readable from a distance while driving. I looooove L.A. Noire, but for atmosphere's sake, I didn't really want to skip the driving sequences.

The one thing I've always wanted to ask you... how did the holes in your hands affect your masturbatory technique?
