
I agree there have been too many many game collections on the Wii, but Nintendo's first description was enough for me to at least keep an eye on ii Play: Motion. With several different approaches to holding and playing with the Wiimote, the game sounds like a less frenetic version of Warioware: Smooth Moves. With the

So far, without spoiling anything, no one is truly a hero, but Arya and Tyrion have been my favorite characters throughout the books. I always imagined Peter Dinklage when reading the books, and the pairing is as magical as I had imagined. I was flat-out thrilled when they announced the casting. It was really a

I don't mean to be cynical, because I love Marvel, I love great comic book films, and I am a fan of Branagh. But scanning the 27 reviews, I recognized very few of the reviewers, and most of the publications were not heavy hitters. Did they do advance screenings only for publications with a hard-on for Marvel? There

I love how Brian seems to posit "the strategy of fire from cover and health regeneration or the nuance of character buffing" as the true values he'll one day instill in Tristan while accepting it as good enough for now if he learns "to think outside the box, to learn creativity and sound reasoning to solve the

This controller sounds expensive! It also sounds an awful lot like a 3DS... It would be great if instead of loading up on extra controllers, if we could use our 3DS units instead. But then 8 buttons seems to dash those hopes.

I choked up at work when I heard. Cool lady, really the forerunner of the take-charge companions of the modern series. I hear she completed about half of the episodes of the next season of Sarah Jane Chronicles. I hope they're aired, but it'll be tough to watch, at least initially.

Lugunitas' The Hairy Eyeball Ale. Familiar with the brewery but had never seen this offering. Very nice, malty flavor, a bit of a brown sugar taste to it, nicely balanced considering 9% alcohol. Went very nicely with my chirashi while I watched Twin Peaks on Netflix in HD.

A few thoughts:

I'm probably wrong (I was 10 at the time), but I seem to remember Megaforce for the Atari 2600 being fairly awesome. Anyone else remember it?

Yeah, I know about those shortcuts, but for whatever reason Ctrl + left click doesn't work on my netbook. I actually showed Ctrl + Tab to a trainer at my office, who was upset with tabbed browsing, being used to Alt + Tab. Of course I was personally scandalized, tabbed browsing being the bee's knees.

I've known about this, but 1) at home I use a netbook and 2) at work use a hp mouse with no scroll wheel. Ah, the humanity...

I can't say we are in full agreement in re: Game of Thrones, but I definitely approve your Joycean appreciation of smut and rarely deployed Latinate verbs.

It was pretty funny... Annalee is satarizing the Times critc's ridiculous approach to reviewing 'Game' rather than arguing that the opposite is true.

Spoiler alert: It doesn't end well for the rape gangs of Turkana IV...

I've seen 'Throwback Dr Pepper' available in limited runs... Not sure if it's permanent now, but that would be great. I don't know that it's Imperial sugar, and I hope if it becomes permanent it doesn't put anyone in Dublin out of work. Not having tasted the two sugared varieties head-to-head, I can't say that

When I relax, I like to enjoy high quality audio formats, such as DVDA. But a good DP sure does take the edge off. Honestly positioning all the equipment for a proper DVDA expeerience can spoil the fun. You're right, DP is the best.

How dare you punctuate Dr Pepper?

I was actually shocked they're offering it as an add-on to SSFIV... in the past, this would have been a stand-alone only, and many would have begrudgingly shelled out for it. Not that it should be shocking, but how many different chances did we get to pay for Street Fighter II, back in the day? If I'm dating myself,

When in Texas, if at all possible, visit the town of Dublin, where you can still purchase Dr Pepper made with Imperial Sugar. You can also procure it online, though it's expensive to have it shipped. Dr Pepper, in addition to poly-ethylene glycol, which is chemically similar to antifreeze (though not poisonous),

I would definitely buy the Gottlieb collection on XBLA... to avoid having to load the disc, to get the achievements, and to encourage the fine folks at the Pinball Hall of Fame to put out more games (hopefully copying Zen's model).