
Recently finished The Road, which reduced me to a hyperventilating, teary mess at the end. About a third of the way into Rick Moody's The Four Fingers of Death, which is so far about a near future manned mission to Mars gone horribly awry, and apparently at some point will involve a disembodied hand like in Evil Dead

I think it's possible to add things to the discussion without criticizing the list. If it were 10 best ecological SF novels, then yes, Dune would be a glaring omission. But I take this more as a conversation starter, that might lead to folks picking up and reading something they might've missed. The Lorax and Dune are

Thank you for defending 2001: A Space Odyssey and actually showing your work. I would also add that while doing several other things, 2001 on one level operates as a live action version of Fantasia, i.e. a series of painterly images coordinated to music in sometimes abstract, sometimes more programmatic ways. The

For some situations impractical (bullet hell side scrollers require a larger screen, for my money, but that's what my DS is for), my Famicom edition micro is the the best gameboy ever, so discrete, so so portable, bright beautiful screen, and Just. Look. At. It.

Thanks for throwing XKCD's chart up. Personally, I think the good doctor is correct. In the medium to long term, steps should be taken to bring food staples within government guidelines. But in the short term, there's nothing to worry about from this level of radiation. Radiation is definitely something to monitor and

I would love to see Studio 343's take on a side-story level of Halo: Reach, which will never happen. But I generally agree. Maybe two sets of polished map packs, and then throw us a single player expansion, maybe as a way to build excitement for The Inevitable Sequel.

I've heard that it is... of course, the implemenation varies depending on the game, but my understanding is that you'll be able to throw down in SSFIV3D in local multiplayer with just one cart, which is make or break for that type of game. Download play should work as usual for your DS games, as well.

Or, as my kids call it, 'The Game With the Ants'...

Torchlight, Blur, which I just picked up belatedly (sorry, Bizarre), and probably some Geometry Wars Retro Evolved. Kind of a Bizarre weekend, really, but anytime someone asks me to play Retro Evolved, I end up addicted to Pacifism for a month afterwards.

I felt sorry for Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind going up against The Empire Strikes back, which was critically acclaimed, made a ton of money, everybody has seen, iconic, etc. I would have liked to see it matched against Dune, since in many ways it tells a similar story with similar themes, better.

Both Solaris movies are better than The Fifth Element. And I like The Fifth Element.

I thought I was the only 12 year old boy with Battletoads screenshots taped to the bathroom mirror, shooting 'roids and shoving a finger down my throat after my daily meal...

Definitely going to rip into Torchlight, and I'm headed to my sister's on Saturday, so probably some You Don't Know Jack. Actually quite looking forward to that, haven't got my Jack on in years.

That's exactly what I thought of when I saw the new posters... Awesome!

That's exactly why I am clamoring for Fantastic Mr. Fox to get the Criterion treatment. I wonder if there is any other active director whose entire body of work has been canonized by Criterion. P.T. Anderson only rated one such nod, for Boogie Nights, and only on Laserdisc. And he's no slouch.

I couldn't find the exact statistic, but according to a study commissioned by the ESA, the average age of all gamers is 35. 60% are male, and women over 18 (33%) outnumber boys under 17 (18%). I agree. I'm 38 and male, and EA's marketing department does not speak for or to me.

Always glad to see love for Fantastic Mr. Fox. Looking back, I don't know if it's the best film of the aughts (but it deserves consideration!), but it's certainly the most endlessly rewatchable. At 84 minutes, there's simply no fat on its vulpine bones, each scene is special, and the colors, especially the yellows and

If you've got a 360, make sure to download Toy Soldiers while you wait for Trenched.

When used with a posessive, doesn't old lady mean wife or girlfriend? These are funny, but the canon's not that loose...

I agree with the many folks who recommend reading. But! If it makes you feel better, or more au courant, I have a Kindle, and find that because the screen is not backlit or reflective, it does not leave me feeling 'wired' when I use it right before bed, nor does it seem to cause eye strain. Books have long integrated