
@jack2pot: I totally thought of inception glancing at this post.

Exclusive, schmexclusive... it's all about the plague mask. Go Doctor, or Go Home!

@Bondage_Zombie: Thanks for the heads-up. I've been waiting for that price point, not because I don't think it's worth more, just because of a limited gaming budget.

I somehow thought there would be a great deal on Arkham Asylum.

@BreadKnight: What you say is true... opponents of equal human rights will be glad to take this fight as far as possible, and to frame it in the starkest terms. But I feel it is an argument worth having, again and again, in the highest courts, in the most public of venues. And I believe that ultimately, as an agnostic

@astidcrisse: I am in shock: pupils dilated, nauseated, pale as a ghost, chills, etc. I simply cannot believe that the word 'porn' was not mentioned in the body of the article. I did not look at who posted this, and won't until I've clicked 'share', but it would have to be Crecente or perhaps Totilo, no?

Sounds like a non-denial-denial that Nintendo's next console will be surprising.

@Smash_Bro: The minifig on the right in that picture looks like chesty Jake Gyllenhaal from the PoP movie, but dressed in Western duds.

In Super Mario games, I quite often do not kill enemies unless they pose a threat, are blocking my path, or I need a coin to restore my health. It's not like I need the 'points', as the goal is, except for bosses and mini-bosses, never to kill enemies, but usually to reach a hard to reach spot or fulfill some other

@wrexingcrew: I think ArchAndroid, artistically would have benefited from release as two separate EPs. But, to the extent that people even buy albums at all, they sell a lot better than EPs, especially for a somewhat unestablished artist. So, to gain listeners, the best thing was a two-volume CD release. But even

@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: I was going to chime in and suggest Janelle Monae as well. There's a great interview over at i09 (link below), focusing on her sci-fi influences and how she incorporates them into her amazing music. While Lady Gaga (who I don't really mind) makes a lot of noise about being weird, her music and

@avenger339: Windwaker is the beautiful black sheep of the Zelda franchise, fist-handled blowout comb proudly stuck in its wooly pelt.

@redspidey: That's what I get for viewing the site in a small corner of my screen while ostensibly 'working', and then trying to comment on my impressions. It's settled then: less working!

Why is Luke wearing Han's clothes?!

There was a Catch-22 inherent in the structure of 1 vs. 100 that seems to have held it back from greater popularity. Like Jeopardy!, a great part of the appeal of 1 vs. 100 lay in the overall difficulty. The questions might start off easy, but relatively few participants answered all of the questions correctly. But 1

@Fenring: Well played, sir or madam.

It is common for accomplished creators to feel, as Sakaguchi apparently does, that, consumed by their latest work, they will retire when they have polished this latest diamond. But what made them an accomplished creator was an innate drive to make something better, and they are usually captured by a new idea, and get

@8thR: I typed the HTML code to link Reicheru's name to his profile... but it didn't even look red when the comment posted, and since the site's been kind of screwy loading images and videos lately, I didn't bother trying to fix it.

Well written and reasoned, Reicheru.

I had no idea this was coming so soon! I sort of figured, since it wasn't part of the 'Summer of Arcade' (I guess because it's multiplatform), that it wouldn't be out until after those admittedly tempting games. I'll be loading up on MS Points in lip-licking anticipation shortly after clicking 'Share'.