
@DiGiC: The XL isn't for me, but I'm considering upgrading my Dad to one (I gave him my Lite when I picked up a DSi), as his eyes aren't what they used to be...

@Kobun: I wouldn't call WWOZ relaxing... But it's pretty great. Do you have questionable taste in anything?

@Lemstring: This copy of McCall's is missing its cover. And somebody tore out the page with Eleanor Roosevelt's 'If You Ask Me' column. I hate waiting rooms.

@Save me: Someday, I'm getting one of these bad boys. If you had shit on your hand, you wouldn't wipe it on paper and put up a Mission Accomplished banner...

@arionfrost: My spirit's going to Disneyland. But my blood pressure will still be a bit low.

@Lozmaster: Zombies would love to disagree. Unfortunately, zombies everywhere agree: Brainssss!

In the long term, death is the only stable condition.

Because the DSi XL doesn't do anything new, but is simply a new form factor, a better comparison would be to the first month sales of the Game Boy Micro. The DSi had cameras and more powerful hardware, while the DS Lite and Game Boy Advance SP offered brighter screens. The micro is the only other instance I can think

@RedLink: I've heard it might be making its way to theaters in 3D, so they're probably holding off on the Blu-Ray for that reason. Here's hoping he doesn't add any new scenes.

@Antiterra: I fap exclusively to Tim Rogers' articles, holding off the moment of ultimate release until the last sentence.

That was amazing, thanks for trusting Kotaku readers with such personal material. I'm glad that you've found some success and happiness, and the perspective to process and even write about such difficult times.

@ElephantFace: Nope, just send an email to bashcraft, or the tips mailbox, including your commenter page and the nominated commenter page, and a link to the comment itself. And with respect and congratulations to this week's winners, I do agree with the above commenters... this week was thin, but it's not the winners'

@Killer Toilet: The internet (anything with a screen, really) is a real sleep killer.

@TaylorEatWorld: To be fair, It was Mike Newell who said it, and even though I'm sure that quote is the secret reason for this post, Bash didn't call any extra attention to it. I'm sure there are some wonderful alternate titles on the cutting room floor.

@Kobun: I don't know if Chime could exist without Lumines, but it sure is a better game.

@huginn: Well, first thing I'll probably do is watch it all straight through (unless the ending totally lets the air out of the preceding episodes like Battlestar Galactica's). Then I'll catch up on Breaking Bad, Chuck, Caprica and maybe Supernatural.

@VincentGrey: I actually never finished Super Mario Galaxy (which I actually loved, though I'm not a fan of coin collection [I did beat Bowser but did not collect all the stars]) or Twilight Princess, which I never really got that excited about. I found it to be offputtingly ugly, reminiscent of the way the N64

@Chester Coat Sleaves: I nearly sprayed tea all over my monitor when I read your edit. That one 't' really makes a difference...

@Kobun: It's too bad they didn't nail this, because a well done Uniracers clone would overcome my disgust at advergames. I suppose we've been paying to wear logos for years, but you wouldn't pay to wear an ugly or uncomfortable shirt, and you definitely shouldn't have to pay for a clumsy game. I will check out the