
@Scotland: I wasted quite a bit of it... it started out as a lark and ended up as an obsession. At some point I decided I'd wasted enough time that I couldn't justify not finding your first comment. I really wish there were a 'back' button, and not just 'next'. Doubtless someone will comment later that there's

@cokefan999: Dadadadadada... daDUH Happy birthday tooo yoooo

@Shinta: Grave of the Fireflies, though a Studio Ghibli film (I think), was directed by Isao Takahata. Miyazaki was busy making My Neighbor Totoro during the production of Fireflies. The two films were initially shown as a double feature. But don't tell anyone, I'm posting this on my private off-topic page.

@Matt0505: On the fabled 'desert island', I wouldn't need any discs. Just my Xbox 360, a TV and my arcade games. And maybe a few spare 360s, because, you know.

@Mamba the Madvillain: Someone had to say it... I'm sure he noticed and relished the resemblance, given the subject of the article and Will Wright's comments.

@snakepliskin: I didn't have a big problem with the kids, mostly because even though they have recognizable names, and there was a stink of nepotism about their casting, at least their voices weren't distractingly familiar (like Neeson's, like Billy Bob Thornton's in Princess Mononoke). Tina Fey's voice was

@Save me: That's a poseur, not a hipster.

@snakepliskin: While initially skeptical, I thought Cyrus and Jonas acquitted themselves well, and Ponyo to be generally well cast, with the possible exception of Liam Neeson, who I can never forgive for perhaps the most horrible line reading in a movie, ever, "There's always a bigger fish" from Star Wars Ep. 1, which

@Fizgot: I would say if this list was counterbalanced by a second list that ranked the platforms based on the raw number of highly rated games (nobody is making me buy the bad games, after all), then one could glean a good understanding console greatness. By that reckoning, the PS2 would get its due historically, and

@TheMightyEthan: Congrats TME! I knew you would be a star, from the day you came into the world, all pink and already talking so eloquently...

@Twyst3d: I think that the way you said what you said couldn't have been calculated better to bring a swift, angry response. If you truly read what I wrote, I was attempting to separate and defend part of what you were saying from your hopeless battle to change gaming nomenclature. You can prescribe language all you

@madammina: Is Totilo wearing his yellow bike shorts again? I'll talk to HR.

@MadMinstrel: If you take both of my comments together, I like FFXIII, but am deeply concerned about the design choices made within the context of FF games. I don't want Final Fantasy to be Fallout or ME2. I think those Western RPGs are very engaging due to your ability to customize your character and the investment

@MPSai: I agree that what Twyst3d said was clumsy and misguided, or maybe just hurt and angry... I just wanted to elaborate on a kernel of truth, lest it be lost in the reaction to the flame bait. I did not come here to bury JRPG's. I'm taking a break right now from FFXIII. But the good times I had with Dungeons &

@Neocorey: Don't know about books, but I think they banz0red pictures of A-cup boobs...

@Manly_McBeeferton: I can't imagine doing featured comments only. How's the newly expanded Kotaku treating you?

@Ursus-Veritas: I'm seriously in the grips of New Doctor Anxiety. It sure worked out OK last time, but still.

@8thR: "I wanted to put ''They're G-G-G-GOTY!'' but I was too lazy."