
@spannu: I remember when I first got my 360, she would take my female Nord from shop to shop in the Market District, buying and trying on different outfits.

I'm not sure how I personally feel about the prospect of a FFXIII-2, but I bet my daughter would be pleased, so bring it on. XIII is my kids' first (initial?) Final Fantasy, and my daughter in particular is loving it. When Lightning started punching Snow, she got the same excited look on her face that I saw when

@VincentGrey: Ha! Laughed so hard, I shot PBR out my nose!

@Decoy_Doctorpus: Congratulations. The strips are will done. I liked the moodiness of 'Fuck yeah, donuts!' and the brofist beard had me on the floor. Your control of tone is impressive.

@Neocorey: I used REGA-9FPL-VEKQ-J7YK, thanks!

@Sabotage.101: I'm not very far in (maybe 5 hours, just started in with leveling and paradigm shifts). The game is gorgeous, even on the 360. Now that the battle system is getting more interesting, I'm starting to enjoy myself, but I wish the tutorial would move more quickly. I'm not wild about the linearity. For all

@Jouen: Personally, I find her accent to be all over the place. Sometimes she sounds Aussie, but she intermittently sounds American (like a 'Valley Girl').

@RockyRan: I'm only 5-6 hours in, but I haven't found the FFXIII music to be all that great either. I'm disappointed to hear the new Mega Man game is lacking in the music department and also possibly easy?!

@Viic Viiper: My sister used to, a lot. And I've done it. It's pretty fun, and it's kind of like chat roulette, really. Because the game is simpler than, say... an FPS, there's space to just chat about whatever, with people from all over the world, soldiers in Iraq, lots of folks from the UK & Australia and of course

@Viic Viiper: According to my sister, Uno online on the 360 (which has webcam support) is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, or rather penises and penises.

@GriefTroll Bangai-O: It's so hard, listening to Ys, to imagine Newsom cracking up to 'Dick in a Box', and likewise, hard to imagine, whine watching Laser Cats, Samberg listening to harp music or reading poetry. The fact that they are dating raises my estimation of both. And makes me laugh. I hope they do an SNL

@Shawnrw222: Gay is a real first and last name (Gay Talese, Randall Gay, Rudy Gay), the word gay is acceptable as long as it's not being used in a derogatory sense (that's gay) in the workplace (I work for AT&T), and even most churches that believe homosexual acts to be wrong, as well as conservatives that do not

"Not to mention revealing how many men out there just want to anonymously show people their dong." Thought you were referring to Uno before I scrolled down.

@GriefTroll Bangai-O: Sorry. Meant Stephanie Germanatto, not Lisa Germano. Just a (surprisingly non-Freudian, considering) slip.

@Handsome Al: Lady Gaga is awesome. A good songwriter, talented piano player, dynamic performer, and her whole career seems like a performance art piece to boot. Lady? Gentleman? Who cares, Gaga is relentlessly interesting, and that particular mystery is only one of the reasons. For what it's worth, she looks pretty

@deanbmmv: I use adblock unashamedly. I still see plenty of ads on Kotaku. And I can't use ABP at work, where I do a metric fuck tonne of my Kotaku browsing. I remember when my computer died on me (before I got my current netbook) and I was reduced to browsing the net on my Wii. The flash ads on Kotaku effectively

@bakagaijin: I've waited so long, 18 hours more won't kill me. Going to work as usual (don't do the midnight thing) and Amazon will deliver sometime during the day, my copy of FFXIII should be waiting for me when I'm off work, and I've taken tomorrow off. TBH if I did the midnight thing, I'd probably be ready for bed

@ElephantFace: So after all the talk of Morse code earlier today, I settled in for the long haul and listened to Joanna Newsom's amazing new 3CD-length album Have One On Me this evening. It's not for everyone. Her voice is high pitched and keening, though also highly trained. Her lyrics are poetic, and I occasionally

@AndrosZ: So, then your size would be the most important thing to you?

@ElephantFace: Heh. It just says You're welcome. Stop.