
@cityslicker05: Here ya go, buddy. Can't decide if Defeater is trolling you or being literal. Point taken, but when the public gym's closed, it doesn't keep you from lifting the weights you already own, at home, without going to the gym at all... But then I get pretty upset when the gym that I paid for is closed for

Here's why I'm OK with the movie reviews. Yes, Kotaku has limited resources. Point taken, WhiteMage. But as long as the movie reviews are 1) Related to gaming or of interest to a lot of gamers, 2) provide a different perspective than the io9 review or cover a film io9 does not intend to review (because otherwise, just

@ShaggE: Restarreded: Your post-colonic nomenclature is worthy of James Joyce, if he were a Kotakuite.

@nowayman: Certainly we should insist that our tax money be spent wisely, but those that think we shouldn't pay them at all are insane.

@h170: It actually happened in a different location each time! That level has some weird transitions unlike the rest of the game, where you push up onto a new walking surface in the manner you would usually use to scramble over cover. I'm guessing it was this novel mechanic or maybe the narrow surfaces that are also

@smithy cat: Oh yeah. I'm playing the 360 version. Should've mentioned that.

@ArmoredCavalry: "Not saying that we should make assault rifles and RPG's easily accessible to everyone. Just giving some food for thought."

I've avoided any chatter about Mass Effect 2, fearing spoilers. I will raise no plot points here. There is an (optional, I think) side mission where Shephard is tasked with retrieving information stored in the mainframe of a crashed ship, before it tumbles from a cliff. I encountered a glitch where you become

Thank you, Owen, for introducing me to the term 'Bulgarian airbag' which was not only in the headline of the article about the woman saved from a point blank shooting by her chesticle (a word used elsewhere by The Register) but is actually a tag that turned up several other news items.

@jeremycole: Glad to hear your loved ones are OK, you must've had some moments of terror. Positive thoughts for everyone affected and I'll donate to the Red Cross on payday.

@Artik: In or out of three-year warranty? If out, repair, upgrade, throw in the towel? Anyway, regardless of circumstances, sorry to hear about your misfortune.

@Vicxlee: It's not a 'job if you enjoy what you do!