
@FoG: I thought maybe it was Owen's dad (rfgood, Rebel's middle name is no doubt Fuckin'), but I don't recall his Mom's name.

I actually agree with Olberman, and to would like to add, as a union member, and to address a point Olberman didn't, that even when there is zero chance that scab labor will ultimately replace union labor during a strike, scab labor makes bargaining more difficult, prolonging the strike. Scab labor is nearly always

Please lord, can we get Prince's amazing performance from Superbowl XLI in Rock Band?! Melted. My. Face. Right. Off.

The letter writer is upset about the content of games rated 15+. It seems to me that the ceiling for content in 15+ games has been artificially raised as a result of the de facto censorship created by Australia's classification system. If there were a proper rating system in place, many games that would likely end up

@Mox FcCloud: Thanks, that was my suspicion, but I thought I might get a reply from someone who enjoyed the game. I haven't. I'll try to sell it.

@R0bster: It's not your fault.

So I got a deal on a wireless Rock Band Guitar, for $26 delivered, and it came with the AC/DC RB disc (yay!) and Rock Revolution (um, yay?). Great deal, especially with the free shipping. I had been using a GH2 wired controller for ages. My question is... has anyone played Rock Revolution? Is there any enjoyment to be

@Gyaruson: Yes it is... Yes, it is.

@JenJenRobot: Arkedo Series 3 - Pixel is a fun platformer / maze Indie Game that runs $3, and if you have Dragon Age Origins, Return to Ostagar is available (I'm downloading it later today as it's payday). There were also two track packs released for Rock Band/RB2 culled from Tom Petty's excellent Live Anthology, and

@Slagathorian: I'm 37, and live in Sacramento, California where I work in the telecommunications industry. I'm a divorced father of two, play bass guitar, read avidly (currently reading Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan), and am somewhat obsessed by Lost.

Let me just say that I'm glad that Totilo is not even trying to connect his Lost obsession to video games, and just acknowledging our need for some answers. It feels like Christmas, and if I visit a blog about Sesame Street, sports, or donuts, I am disappointed if I don't see mention of Lost. I also love that a

@BryanH: Heh. That was pure fan service... The show runners got the message that the fans hated Nikki and Paolo with a passion, and they offed them in exquisite fashion. Artzt's end was pretty satisfying, too.

@pashaveliki: John 3:16 is apparently embedded in hexidecimal on the Ajira Airways website, as is a quotation ("So off they started about Irish sport and shoneen games the like of lawn tennis and about hurley and putting the stone and racy of the soil and building up a nation once again and all of that.") from page

@Arbiduck: Don't get me wrong, I love Castle Crashers, and played the hell out of it from Day 1. But I have kids, and between me, the kids and my sister, we were able to play locally. But online just wasn't practical until the patch was released months later. To be fair, it may have just seemed like months.

@Arbiduck: Online multiplayer was a mess when Castle Crashers was released. It's been patched, but it took too long, and it really soured what should have been a triumphant release.

@jayntampa: "You can be and become anything that you want to be, even Miss America..."

So my sister's (my old) 360 red-ringed yesterday, and since it's still registered to me, I went online to open a repair ticket. Turns out the three year RROD warranty on it expires in two weeks, so in a way it was lucky. She had a good run. Here's to three more years...

@b-radicate: I'm especially intrigued knowing that Crecente was initially disturbed at the choice of source material, and all the marketing gaffes that followed. If the game sounds like a bad idea, and the marketing team puts its worst foot forward, and the game is able to overcome all the bad impressions, it's worth