
@1up: I gave my nephew Iron Giant for Christmas, can't wait to see him & find out if he liked it, so I know if he needs to be disowned or not. Gave his sisters Kiki's Delivery Service and Spirited Away.

Fantastic article. Nobody is bothered if Francis Ford Coppolla makes a confusing (Youth Without Youth) or forgettable (Jack) film, and nobody cares if Woody Allen produces a stiff, unfunny comedy now and then, because they ascended to the pantheon years ago on the basis of a brilliant run of amazing films. I would

@aniteshj: Thank, you Aaron Speling for your heartfelt defense of The Love Bot. On the one hand, I think EA would be fine continuing with their franchise, as is. But there's no reason they couldn't drop his name. None of their other sports franchises are tied to one athlete. But here is their dilemma: if EA drops his

@snakepliskin: I agree... Letterman is the Jon Stewart of celebrity (non-political) interviews... willing to ask the question they don't want to hear, or poke holes in an annoying persona.

@surft: Letterman's draw nowadays (different from those halcyon '80's), is his ability to spin a yarn. The scandal didn't harm him because he not only came clean, but did so in a way that is familiar to regular watchers of his show: he told an engaging story, with self-deprecating humor and off-the top asides that

@Edwinik: That sounds like the flip side of the same problem that led to that horrible cover, but the same coin: superficiality.

@Michael Dukakis: Here's hoping Tiger was always wearing a 'green jacket' and not playing a skins game...

@-MasterDex-: My name is Buddhathing, and I approve this message.

@Kuwabara Kazuo: Yes, anything to get BC kicking ass on the big screen... that's really the big loss in the Spider-man 4 cancellation: Raimi had said that Campbell would have a prominent role. Now, I'm not too torn up about the Spidey situation, but I do hope to see Bruce Campbell's rubbery mug chewing scenery in

@TheHeeyyy: I'm actually glad Raimi jumped ship. Outside input ruined Spider-man 3, and a lot of times, when suits ruin things, they think next time they should exert more control, paradoxically. I'm sure if they'd given him a free hand, he would've returned, and man would Malkovich have made a great Vulture. I'm not

What a shock that they went with a translation in the public domain. I recommend the Pinsky. Of course, you'll still be doing yourself a favor by reading the Longfellow, but man will you look like a tool reading the EA edition.

@Goldenboy666: It's the extra 'of' ("based on the final two of levels of what is likely"). Those kinds of errors are hard to catch, because our brains tend to correct for them as we read.

@Xaif: Only if 3D becomes a standard feature on HDTV's does it have a chance to succeed. If it's optional, and more expensive, and requires glasses, it will remain a (possibly awesome) niche.

@deanbmmv: For some unknown reason, American dictionaries tend to support this incorrect usage, but the Oxford English Dictionary is unambiguous:

@deanbmmv: It seems to me there's a difference between representing a dipthong with one rather than two letters, and adding a suffix that doesn't change the meaning of the word. I didn't realize that orient/orientate was an American/British dichotomy, but in this instance, I prefer the simpler American version, if

@deanbmmv: Color is the same word as colour, it's just a different spelling. And if you don't complain, I'm not sure of your point.

@m.stonex: It might be a word, but it's still an unnecessary word, since it means the same thing as oriented.

@kokuou: I saw the word Shakespeareanesque used online the other day and nearly fell out of my chair... when will people learn... it doesn't make you sound smart when you add an extra syllable to a word to make a new word that means the same thing.

@evslin: Well, an admission: I am 37. The days when Leno was funny were probably more than 20 years ago. Time was, Letterman was the edgy innovator that O'Brien later became, and Leno didn't have writers, but built a reputation as a genuinely funny stand-up comedian. He later became a soulless, unfunny company man who