
@frog_man1975: Yes, absolutely that's what I meant... I've been sick all week, and should probably stay away from keyboards.

It's the end of the oughts, by definition, whether you are pedantic or not. next year will be the last of the first decade of the third millenium, B.C.E.

@Cult of 62: Fantastic Mr. Fox, Inglorious Basterds, Up. I haven't seen Ponyo or The Hurt Locker, yet, though.

@Badman: Plastic Surgery Disasters - Dead Kennedys (no surprise)

@HoneyNepos: I'll have to give it a go, I love seeing Kotaku readers' feedback about indie games.

@Badman: I kind of felt bad plunking down MS points for the DK track pack, knowing that Jello is totally alienated from East Bay Ray & D.H. Peligro, but damn was it fun to play Police Truck...

@Badman: If you're in the market for 'punk' music that is actually some of the greatest surf music put to tape, I hope (and would imagine) you have Plastic Surgery Disasters by Dead Kennedys... Their greatest hits are on Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, but their second album is one of the all-time greats.

@Badman: 'Living in Darkness' and 'This is the Voice' are both great.

As heartbreaking as such a decision always is, it's great you were able to have it done in your home, where Lucy could be as comfortable as possible and with loved ones present. Having worked in a pet hospital, I've seen a lot of pet owners who aren't able to bring themselves to be present for their loved one's

@Badman: Agreed... The Bouncing Souls probably had the best set that night, although you can't beat Agent Orange's songs...

@Knoxximus ver. 5.66: I really liked your list. It was personal, with an emphasis on enjoyment over what games are 'important' or need to be included to make you look good. What earned you a 'heart' though, was your your selection of Wind Waker as the finest 3D Zelda, and your inclusion of maybe the most overlooked,

I saw Blink 182 play live (at the Cattle Club in Sacramento; I was there to see Agent Orange, and The Bouncing Souls also played), and I can't remember them making much of an impression. I like the Furs and Ramones songs, though. Does anyone know what makes a song compatible with Lego Rock Band? Does it come down to

Thanks, AJ! Managed to get through eventually, wanted to get in while the getting was good, but I can't imagine Nintendo would wait all this time to serve a takedown notice. Congratulations on a labor of love, ZREO!

@Sergio Del Valle Clemente: While technically it is 'above' MvC2, KOF is number nine on the list, and MvC2 is number four.

@Shinta: Usually you've died 1.25 times by the same point? Wouldn't it have been more dramatic, and less confusing, to say you've died 1o times, which is 10 times as often as usual? Why 8? Why? Anyway, Happies and Merries to you and yours, and may you die only 1/2 as often in the next same-sized chunk of game, which

@geekgrrl: Good call... I'm going to see if that's available to stream on Netflix...

@Sihaya-That Woman!: "Its not the same playing solitaire on my PC." God, even the old folks are newfangled now. Who, besides family, would screw Christmas. It's what families are for.

@fuegerstef: Congrats! I remember, pre-kids, when Christmas was somehow sexy. But Christmas with kids is an amazing kind of fun, just different. Keep warm and have a shiny Christmans!