
@Mozz-eyes: Agreed. I've made a similar trip to the emergency room, and it turned out to be a severe peanut allergy, but we haven't had a major incident since(other than the time my daughter accidentally dropped a Pokemon game token into my son's mouth, intermittently blocking his airway, until it eventually softened

I DSiLOL'd at Fahey's. #dsill

@Connoisseur: Yeah, here's the kicker. So 'he' bought points, right. Well, of course he redeemed them. Defense grid, totally defensible purchase. But Perfect Dark Zero? Really, Frederic?? #xbox360

@-MasterDex-: On the one hand, that blows, because how awesome would that be, but on the other hand, it's still a cool service as the 360 runs through the best speakers I own. On the other other hand, it's not like I would feel confident running the 360 another couple of hours every day. #facebook

When is MS giving this guy a free gamertag? Because he definitely has bought some MS points while I was... uh, sleeping. #xbox360

I'm making a huge frowny face because I love bright colorful games, with rainbows even, stylized graphics, and who. doesn't. like. blood. $60 was always going to be a hard sell, but it's too bad when games get shoved out the door broken. If they'd finished the game, I could have at least picked it up for less (It's

Does Jamie Lee Curtis at least have Kleinfelter's Syndrome (XXY chromosomal disorder)? That was my understanding, and I can see how that could morph into an urban legend about being born a hermaphrodite. Or is she just a normal, incredible woman? #timrogers

@Joe Wright: Where is my edit pencil?? I would have sworn I closed that tag. How mortifying. I blame the numbers lock key. #timrogers

Well, great. I've spent probably a good four hours, reading this, off and on, if you include watching Tetris until your eyeballs start to dry out because how can you watch that and blink, and also playing Canabalt.

I know some have knocked the first episode for being too straightforward, but there is a finite amount of W&G fan service in the universe, and I will avail myself of as much as possible. Plus my daughter will be super pleased. #xboxlivearcade

123 of 222 found the review helpful... are we the 123? I wonder what the ratio was when Totilo stumbled across this review. #amazon

@MichaelPalin: It would be great for older, occasional gamers, like my dad, who's in his sixties, and doesn't have a wireless network, would never go to a cafe to 'do the wi-fi'. Which is the same reason the Kindle is popular. The PSP is marketed to a fairly tech savvy crowd. The DS, not so much. #nintendods

@StoneLazerkill: Curiouser & curiouser... I've had weekends like that.