
@Outkastprince: I'm a James as well, when I was wee my mum insisted I go by Jayme with the weird spelling and all. Jayme was not a fun name to have at the time, as the two most prominent Jamie's were the Bionic Woman, Jaimie Sommers and Jamie Farr, who portrayed transvestite Maxwell Klinger on M*A*S*H. I now wish I

@Johnny: Of course, warm birthday wishes to Mr. Totilo, and many happy returns.

I was so glad to see this review up. I'm not sure why I even looked at Kotaku after hours on a weekend, and lo! a review. I am wondering, as a parent, if ODST is a thematically darker game than the main series. The previous games are all M, but to my mind a fairly soft M, as they're not very realistic. I know my 12

@StagnatedLives: I tend to agree with you, though in Bungie's defense it was Microsoft who decided to charge $60. And though I would probably wait to pick this up for $30, I would say the odds of my twelve year old son offering to do chores to earn his way to a copy sooner are very very good. I am looking forward to

@BossMan23: The ceiling is out of reach... but hit an exposed light bulb, and you get an explosion. Why are you aiming for the ceiling, again?

@Antiterra: Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

@HockeyMountain: Yes, yes it is. I would also play a graphically cleaned up Super Tecmo Bowl without the license. How great would those games be, over the XBLA/PSN?

*checks out AJ 'down below'*

@Pyroninja42: Stranglehold was tedious. It's clear that Wet is dealing from the same deck, but hopefully a better hand this time. If I see this on sale, I'll pick it up. I wanted to like Stranglehold.

@Kobun: I didn't watch House at all last season, not sure why, haven't watched a lot of TV really. Is it worth catching up when it hits Netflix? How was last season?

@Fallible.: When I change discs, I go 'bloop' and pretend it's an achievement.

@SPECIALciaNAPKIN: Depending on the final reviews/word of mouth/Kotaku comments, either Brutal Legend or Borderlands. But I would be shocked (shocked, I say) if my son didn't scrape up the money for Halo ODST rather than waiting for Christmas.

@ddmeightball: A little ASUS eee PC with an 8.9" screen, when I'm at home, but it beats using IE6 at work.

@videorecipes: I sometimes roll male characters, sometimes female... I just try to make a character that looks like a real person... sometimes I'll model it after a real person or myself. In Oblivion I modeled my character (a Nord) after Kim Deal. In Fallout 3 my main character looked a bit like Debbie Harry. Don't

@deanbmmv: Do I get a production credit if I buy deanbmmv's brother some coke? I have about 4 cases in my garage.

@NeoStarr HD: It'll be like Justify Your Game from a player's perspective... fun!