
@spannu: OK... you go ahead and burp whilst farting... I'll be watching Jesus is Magic, doing some research into the other two.

The fact that I played Mass Effect has absolutely nothing to do with my crippling Quasar addiction. I just have a weakness.

@-Skyline-: Voted Crecente 12': *sprinkles Tobasco sauce liberally over MS points*

I made it to about the :41 mark.

Great read. I'm loving expanded coverage on weekends.

I know I'm not the only person who wishes the word 'godawful' above were hotlinked to a humiliating youtube clip of McWhertor freestyling drunkenly.

Man, fucking Dubai. I'm not calling out Luke, because he's essentially clowning the Sega park. But if I had a nickel for every story I read about a corporation or celebrity pimping for Dubai,despite the fact that it's built on the back of slaves, I would be a rich man.

@Curse_Lily: Man, that's what my dishwasher's always saying!

It'll be a little while, as I'm pretty strapped.... but I know it's a done deal at this point. My HD-DVD drive mocks me... the PS3 exclusives call out to me... My HD set whispers to me... "televisions were never meant to be monogamous".

@excel_excel: I'm tempted by this game every time I see a screenshot! And then I feel the hot stinging slap of shame bring color to my cheeks.

@kearneybobs: Oh, the drama! Well congratulations. How does it feel to sublimate from unapproved to starred commenter? I would be dizzy. Well, I usually am.

@Jazhuis: I loved Ender's Game, am repulsed by OSC's political views (especially the way they're expressed), and I did go ahead and download the full version of Shadow Complex with mixed feelings. It is a fantastic game, probably one of the top games on the system, including retail. I would like to know more about

@Curse_Lily: I have a 360 and a Wii, my two kids each have a DS and I have a DSi, and I have a netbook but I don't use it for gaming.

Madden sets himself up on Sundays with nine 63" HD sets and watches every game live? That's just nuts... probably has a turducken in each hand and operates telestrators with his elbows.

Everyone dreams. A lot of people don't remember their dreams.

@d_r_e: Utmost and topmost are words. Upmost is not.

@MrBionic: Yeah, I downloaded it on the Wii Virtual Console as I'd heard alot of people praise TJ&E... but it was shite... very pointless and boring, and certainly not funny.

@kearneybobs: Yeah, approval seems to have been removed, even when I'm using IE6 at work, where I have the demote comment icon. Still have that, but no demote. I'm guessing it's on purpose.