
It really was! For a cast to have such chemistry out of the gate and it really had fun with the concept. I'm just glad we got a full two seasons out of it.

Spent a great deal of time playing Far Cry 4 and it has definitely surpass the 3rd installment for me at this point. More or less I've found the game to be great as long as no character is talking/trying to cloud my enjoyment with their crappy, shambled story.

I love that sorbet is really just frozen sugar water but is fancy. Then again when you tell your tables what flavor of otter pops you have the credibility plummets.

I'm sure America's Test Kitchen has some sort of chart for percentage of alcohol loss based on oven temperature or length baked. Those all are factors but won't remove nearly as much as say, de-glazing a skillet with wine or liquor. The flavor stays but the alcohol will quickly burn off at those temperatures.

Sorry, had to leave it open for that joke to be made. I will just assume your freezer was broken ;)

Yes, are!

Baking would evaporate some of the alcohol. Might I suggest a sorbet?

We already know you had your Thanksgiving so shush and enjoy your leftovers.

NoooO! (spends next week watching flash sales)

I'm thankful for making the attempt at changing careers, moving to Chicago in six months and leaving this chapter of my life behind. The health of my family, beloved dog and that we all have warm safe places to sleep at night.

Far Cry 4 continues to be enjoyable more often than not.

See, don't think I knew that was even an option!

Thanks for making me feel better about it! I feel like I can't back track from where I am so I may have to start the whole game over.

Thanks for the ideas! I've been thinking about giving it another try. Seems to good a game to simply walk away from.

I've been stuck at that damn brain tank for years! Why can't I beat the brain tank?!?!

I feel it should degrade the English language more.

A half hour in I knew I was going to have to purchase my own copy.

If people considered how he initially made all that money is he still really a success? Painted clowns playing horrible rock n' roll and pasting their crappy brand on absolutely everything like it's Hello Kitty. If your life is just one big paycheck to cash that's great for you.

Haven't touched Far Cry 4 since Thursday and really want to get back, hopefully tonight. Have barely played any story missions unless I want something unlocked. Hunting and coming across side missions is keeping me very busy otherwise.

I am constantly re-watching those. There is an episode here and there that are for sure skip-worthy, but anything Rodger driven is worth multiple viewings.