
I would put a vote in for Wes Anderson, although he employs a sound designer quite often.

Yes, more or less. Your parents are from there for sure there hasn't been a mention to whether he was born there or in the States. His parents are apparently leaders of this revolutionary movement they split and his mother moved to America to presumably raise you away from harm. You return to honor your mothers

Have you any experience with these types of games in the past? It's sounds like the combat this time around is a little more simplified in that you don't have to really have much strategy to your attacks. I see no harm in just playing a game on easy if you want to enjoy the story and experience. I do that a lot

I completely respect that. Glad to actually have helped. I don't want to downplay the game at all, but the moral/ethical vibe is definitely different this time around. I find it hard to believe the developers had any sort of conscious when making this, but situations like that take your power away and obviously you

It's like they've added a new level of war atrocities to it for realism. One that is especially sickening are the 'karma missions' where you happen upon some hostages to free. Sometimes there is a time limit and you show up just in time to see the hostages taken out. Stomach turning sickness, reminds me of seeing

You're lucky. I had to use a melted pudding pop last time, the cheap bastard.

Perhaps if they were creative enough to give us a game set in that previous civilization we might start giving a crap again.

Go Dragon Age then. Far Cry will be there for you when you get back. Plus, I feel this one revels in the violence a bit more even compared to the third.

That was my exact reason for putting Deadly Premonition aside for awhile. Crawling those corridors and needing almost a full clip for every enemy, unless you want to dick around holding your breath, really makes for a taxing game.

Far Cry is great, but it's definitely something you should wait and get a little cheaper if you have other things to occupy your time.

Splurged on Far Cry 4. I don't play a lot for first person shooters, but this is my jam when I do.

Congratulations! Don't be afraid to come back and post all the great stories I know you are going to have.

American candy at this point just involves enough processed cocoa to make it brown. We are having a terrible time discerning between sweet and pretty much any other flavor.

Finished downloading Far Cry 4 sometime last night. Reading my newswires before I venture to Kyrat.

You have a Jerri Blank Avatar. You belong here.

Ah, vaporizing. For when you want to get kinda…sorta, maybe high.

Ha! I'm stealing that. It's way better than my "sucking a robot penis."

It'll be like the old days of LAN gaming. I just have to bring my TV and console to your house!

Still watching a lot of Home Movies and Dr. Katz. I've finally found a character that H Jon Benjamin does that I just really don't like, looking at you Ben Katz. Close second was coming up Archer, but I haven't seen any of the last two seasons.

Awesome, thanks! I found one, but yours has a better resolution.