
Fire it (back)up! Fire it (back)up!

Rupert G, the guy that runs the Hello Deli outside of the Ed Sullivan Theater. My dad had him sign a t-shirt for me almost 20 years ago. I still have it.

…and inside the box, his broken heart.

A pillow case filled with Christmas lights!

I sense the only people getting excited about this are members of Teen Girl Squad.

Can you blame him? That Coors Lite & Mallow Mars combo is to die for. Plus, he just likes it when they sing!

Yeah, working full time is an excellent excuse for doing nothing else.

I see you favor a bouquet of tea roses. I'm a stargazer lily man, myself.

Applying for Graduate School Thread
Procrastinating! Everything is almost done, but I'm so tired of being introspective. Want to play video games!

I'd advise against the Steam version. After playing through the first chapter it crashes and won't load back up again. I've tried the bug fixes, they work for some, not I. Poking around message boards it would seem I'm not alone. I'd recommend the console version, it's at least more stable.

How interesting you should pose this question.

I think any Lynch fan might find this a little hard to stomach. First off, he felt awkward in this 'medium' to begin with and left along with his interest in it in the middle of the 2nd season. So, why now are you giving a crap and coming back to it now?

Turns out the Log Lady was just suffering from horrible cranial swelling. Everything thought her musings were cute so they just let her be.

I have no interest in seeing this either. I find it hard to believe that Lynch would knowingly pump out some silly fan-service such as this instead of chasing his own muse.

Was just thinking the same thing, a travesty!

Well, that was awful. Good clicking everyone!

Upvoted for describing a hell beyond hell. That isn't a song, it's an advertising jingle on repeat.

I'm still a bit locked in 3rd person detective mode. Still working on LA Noire, which I am loving unless it involves a car chase. Trying to get better at catching people in their lies and using the evidence at hand.

I think my offering would be Lollipop Chainsaw. Completely weird and irreverent. Came out at the peak-ish of the zombie craze. Awesome sound track, becomes more fun the more you unlock and know the combos. Trippy mushroom sequences and your 'lil sister acts similar to Tiny Tina.

I'm going to go dig that out. I had no idea there was another Nick Cave track before the first track!