
He just popped up while I was playing L.A. Noire the other day. Made an excellent car salesman. Another great read!

But how many will it take to sate his ravenous appetite for stoned, willing teens?!

Exactly, just a replica of the scene in Office Space where they are uploading their "Superman" virus. Slap a blue filter on there and you've got a mood!

Femur information, i have a book on the subject.

I would have to do so with a series of tones much like the ship in Close Encounters.

My friend saw some screen shots of Dishonored that I use as backgrounds on my computer and TV. He thought they were paintings and was surprised a game could look that beautiful. He was even more intrigued by the premise and the varied abilities you get. I don't see him ever giving it a try, but I feel I had changed

Finally made it to the Dark Tower in Darksider's and only two pieces of the Abyssal Armor remain to gather.

Olympus is fallen and it can't get up?

Irony can be such a hard thing to explain to people as a concept. Now, all we have to do is ask, "What did Kanye say last night?"

Finally, the black cloud that was my Ex-boyfriends choices can be shooed away!

Was scheduled to work a ton, but instead am passing a kidney stone.

I was wondering if he was a gamer at all? Otherwise I just picture him asking, "what is this for, again?" between takes while he checks his bank application to see if the check cleared.

That's what's so crazy about it.

It would seem the paychecks they wrote to get the voice talent in the door were to impress us the most. The fact that they spent 500million NOT what they spent it on.

Perhaps a purveyor of cheap cat food?

Thanks! I'm sure I'll still get some fun out of them, but I'll save them for another day.

I wasn't familiar with Gunpoint before the purchase, but the game play videos make it look quite cool. Plus, Steam Workshop! Not to mention they are adding more games soon.

Despite that it's one of the weakest books in his voice it was curiously written as an oral history. There is a lot of Palahniuk hate in here, but the man does not rest on his laurels. He puts out a book every year and retains a distinct vantage point while he changes genres.

You are correct sir!