
That was one I was most excited to see in the bundle. I'll be working the whole weekend, so the little games will get the most time.

The story-line is such a driving force for that, but really there isn't much present. It relies heavily on assuming we just want to beat stuff up, upgrade and preform brief 'splodey tasks for money to repeat cycle.

Finished another play through of Dishonored last night. The clean hands achievement put me over Legendary status on my 360! Finally, I will have something to rub in everyone's face at the reunion!

I was initially disappointed with Saints Row IV. The map is exactly the same as the previous game…then I realized what they had really spent their time working on. The spoofing, moves and fighting are on max level with this one.

Please, Dickbone is my Father's name. Call me Charlie.

I know we don't talk about the actual Tolerability Index, but Samuel L Jackson is worrying me. He should think about some facial hair. Looking a little too much like RuPaul there.

There is an episode about cults involving 'coo-coo cola'. I've had the refrain from the song stuck in my head for about 25 years.

It would be a dream come true to stream the entirety of Good Eats. Also, I am in nerd-love with Alton Brown, hands off.

Go to a reputable house and with someone who enjoys the cuisine. It's about experience and artistry and the food can be more about texture than anything else sometimes. Perhaps avoid some of the more 'difficult textures' like octopus, raw quail eggs at first.

"We'd all like the be a fly on the wall…", REALLY?!

Personally, ion not convinced.

Right?! She could play the key master role, but as a Manhattan-ite Jerri Blank!

I believe she could do two things. Also, if that's really a thing I am excited.

I vote Amy Sedaris!

Yeah, I can sense that feeling quickly. The combat alone is boring as hell, which makes no sense as that's all there is to the game.

Found an unread novel in my book case so I am reading My Life with Corpses by Wylene Dunbar. So far, interesting.

You spend all that time on a computer I would think you'd be able to make functional sentences. Or, spell words. What the hell is a "pesdr."

You've described my exact rhythm with this game. I'm even ping ponging between console and PC playing low and high chaos and achievement hunting.

Completely agree. I'm not a graphics nut, so I'm sure a console version will suit me fine. Having played both versions of Assassin's of King's I enjoy the console version far more, but the PC version was crazy buggy and on the lowest settings still had screen lags. What I do not like about the console version is

I'm dreading the PC upgrade I will need to run Witcher 3. It might be cheaper for me to just by a PS4 and just hope the console version isn't limited like in Assassins of Kings.