
Just finished my 'no kill' play through of Dishonored. Playing on PC is like a whole new game. So, picturesque. The NPC dialogue doesn't seem to be as redundant or constant.

There are so many, but one stands out.

Oh man, really? I bought that for $2 when the local Blockbuster went under. Really was a happy surprise when I got around to watching it.

The Noir Nadir?

As much as I LOVED the eight original episodes, I don't really think I want a reprise. Then again…

DUDE that was siiiiiiick. (Or whatever kids say these days, YOLO?)

I suppose Mafia Wars on facebook would fit the description here. Thing was, it's not that bad, worst part is continually logging onto a site and harassing people you don't really talk to just to progress. I could list something like Prototype, but I feel I play games like that, sometimes for a while and then just

Phase 1: Collect underpants.

Agreed. It took me a long time to read that one for whatever reason. Read it again last year and it remains just as bleak.

There are a lot of things he doesn't like, but you'd be surprised. He's all about mango, avocado, pears and sweet potato. There are a lot of things that can be bad for them though so make sure you check with the vet before giving things. Weirdly grapes and macadamia nuts are no good.

Honestly, I can't recall. If I had to guess, yes. There was so much violence and genital mutilation in that book you could classify it as post-modern snuff.

This is difficult to answer. I have liked his books, overall. Though, I find them very difficult to read. I have read both American Psycho and Glamorama twice. In that sense, you could say I 'enjoyed' them. These are the only two books I've ever had to set down while reading. The violence would occasionally make

You got me.

They are cute doing just about anything, evidence follows…

I'm fairly certain the whole thing was documented in Glamorama.

Perhaps you need to pop the collar…bro?

I hope it's like Hemlock Grove in the "it's so bad it's kinda good" department. BoJack Horseman, well, Amy Sedaris aside, I could barely watch the first episode.

For all the desserts and pies he has stolen, I WISH he was baking me something in return. Nope! Just leaves the empty pits on his bed in a mushy mess of whatever remains of the fruit, but I can't stay mad!

I can't tolerate that my Great Dane keeps stealing my peaches and nectarines off the counter before I have a chance to eat them! It's super cute, but he is a bastard.

Why don't they ever re-make good shows, like BJ & The Bear?