
Oooo, he's your boyfriend now. Have fun you crazy kids!

Only thing that comes to mind is some sort of Greek mythology compilation. Crazed stories both bloody and epic. He'll be in on tons of new references and eventually you can throw the Odyssey at him. Reckon I read some form of it by that age.

*sets bird on Spike Lee's boner that tweets for him*

Respect where respect is due!

Yes, a better game in many, many ways.

In the gay scene we call it 'ass play'. I don't know what straights call it.


Can't upvote this enough!

I'm prepping a butterscotch cream and coconut cream pie for a charity dessert auction this Saturday. The theme has something to do with carnivals and I was at a loss for something clever. Dough today, fillings Friday, toppings Saturday morning, box and off they go.

Full, well groomed mustache could take a month or 6 weeks. To have the top hairs grow down to your lip takes time and patience. I've trimmed and regrown my beard a few times and it's always a bit over a month before it reaches maximum luster.

That confuses me to know end.

Caught Vulva Vanquish the other day. Could have used more Vanquishing.

Please! As much as I love the game though, her atrocious "British Accent" is hard to stomach.

Never seems like a good enough answer, "eh, it was alright". On Netflix both are streaming, I think it's a clear choice on which one to watch.

Woot! Passed my DVD copy of Mission Hill off to a friend who'd never seen it. Really like the movie theater episode where Wally and Kevin bond on 'x-rated' flicks.

I'd be present for that.

Sweep the leg!

*watches curiously from couch taking notes*

Really? That sounds a little 'hotter' than it is…

Welcome to the fold.