
Which Low record is your favorite? I had a copy of Guns and Drums until my hard drive crashed and still haven't picked up a replacement. The Great Destroyer saw me through some tough times.

Go just so you can drink the freshest Rare Vos they have!

I will use clips to help with puzzles I don't want to think through. Sometimes I'll watch the major plot points of a game I don't even want to play so I can be privy to conversations. It's also useful if you are playing a game with several choices to make and you want to see the result of the path you didn't take.

Don't bother, the kids will be indoors watching The youTubes. However, you can feel free to yell at me every time my dog craps in your azaleas. I'll consider it neighborly discourse.


I wonder if it comes off more as a comedy when they translate the dialogue?

My Xbox's hard drive shit the bed. So, while I wait for the replacement, I'm parsing through my old DVDs. Last night was Grosse Pointe Blank and Fletch. Gross Pointe being my favorite of the Cusak movies. Perhaps some Kid's In The Hall and youtubedMST3K after work tonight.

I didn't hear about that aspect. That's very cool!

So, it's played like a lot of things are, but you hold a stick near your genitals the whole time. Fucking, brilliant.

Change pouch of poo feelings.

Your bowels obviously. It's hot, you've had a lot of faygo and whoosh. Loosed.

Weren't all the hotmail accounts switched to 'live' accounts a while back.

You can only view down the rabbit hole so far, until you loose yourself.

Too be fair, the WWF school of acting is lesser in quality to Juilliard. Only by a small margin though.

I'm actually here for punch and pie, and I plan on staying for leftovers.

Easy answer, South Park: The Stick of Truth, the only game I've played released this year.

He was the character I hoped to see the most. What a great companion he would have been. I'm holding out for DLC.

One of the Riddick movies involved some sort of prison planet. *cues that one Clutch song

Wait, so the $8130 is in Denari? Maybe there is something to Jacqueline's implications after all…

Make it a Frakenthaler…I had spicy raemen last night.