
Isn't this just the opening theme song to 50 Shades of Grey?

There is a huge variety of Limoncello. Quality varies with this as well. Hell, you could make your own, I'll give you a recipe.

Natural fibers or GTFO!

Started watching Hemlock Grove, in full admission, because I heard it was "so bad." The sliding scale of acting quality and the way they attempt to create interesting back stories for these people are atrocious. The pacing is pretty bad and the misogyny is starting to build to a fever pitch. There are more woman on

You are equal in Unicorn-ness as you got the reference.

The line about "nunchucks doors" troubles me. You figure if the doors are literal nun-chucks any top speeds would have them whipping around and that is dangerous. My other thought was that me means "nun-chucks, doors." In which case he is just happy his expensive purchase also yields him car doors in which to store

The caption should read, "Please, no meat touching, Ma'am."

Frugal choice, good sir. There will no doubt be some sort of Labor Day deal soon enough.

Does the deal extend to online stores? Obviously I have worked too many customer service jobs, but I would have sold you the bundle had you agreed to pay shipping and just gotten it over with.

Love that movie! Due for a revisit myself. Always loved the tattoo on Manny's arm even though you never get to see it closely.

Finished The Witcher and am starting up number 2 Assassins of Kings. Already I am enamored with it in a whole new way. It's design is so lush and painterly and the battle system is brutal and engaging, these games make me so excited to play them!

For when they do a gritty reboot of One Hour Photo.

Mandy Patinkin sings a soft ballad whilst a plucky teen is impaled on a pool cue.

If ingested properly it will pour out all available orifices leaving you with that perfect, empty, care-free feeling.

You have to start early these days if you want to be an attention starved waste of space. Meet this years Valedictorians.

Doesn't seem like a stretch that two entirely different people would have the same mediocre idea.

I'd say that's a little unfair to you. Being taken to a super-fan showing of a movie when you know little or nothing about it can be a turn off.

Been burning through my DVD collection like I do every so often. Things that aren't on streaming services. Mainly, Newsradio, as I have been on a Dave Foley kick for the last few months. So far, highlights have included the episode on smoking, the guest appearance by John Ritter/David Cross/Bob Odenkirk…oh, who am

Hope he gave good co-op. I was reminded of playing Left 4 Dead 2 with my previous boyfriend. He kept trying to stay behind and fight ALL the zombies instead of just hitting objectives and checkpoints. Things were soured when I left him for dead, yeah.

The fact that MTV bought a second rate fantasy series to adapt is funny in it's own. I should say, I was reading those books until I realized he just rehashed the same story with different characters, time and time again.