
Ah, yes! I always forget about emulators. Thanks, and have fun!

Finally. The books I read as a teen will be turned into something un-challenging and used to sell me shit I don't need!

Loved Legend of Dragoon! Haven't come across a lot that have played it. After my role playing game initiation with Final Fantasy VII I jumped right into Dragoon on a friends suggestion. Do you still use an original Playstation or is there some updated version?

I was thinking "Hat." Or, if it's a girl, "Bookcase."

Just finished The Witcher a few moments ago. Waiting for the second installment to download. Loved the game. The last ten hours gave me that craving like a good book. Couldn't 'put it down'.

Who needs a hole? Just mash the fat-folds into something useful.

You will only be able to eat it with their Apple brand iPlates and iForks.

I only lived there a year, so I doubt I have picked up on them. The scenes in Sonic Boom stand out to me. I didn't know many people while I lived there, so I spent A LOT of time browsing in that record store and wandering the streets.

Agreed! That film gives off a wonderful vibe of the city and it's people. I miss Toronto every time I watch it.

I'm confused by Wilford Brimley's nephew being in the picture?

As part of a date last night I was made to sit through 3 hours of robot fights and Marky-Mark yelling "GIVE ME THE SEED!" or some shit. Today will be filled with cultural decompression. Recommendations?

Where are those Spambots when you need them most?!

Upvoted, because you keep doing that.

I don't know. Poland is still pretty pissed that Obama never played through The Witcher.

Really getting into The Witcher right now. Had to back track a little when I realized how important alchemy really was and found myself with no potions against the hell beast. There is so much to like about this game I can't wait to see how it unfolds.

My whole life I have attempted to 'vomit elegantly'. TheBeef makes everything look easy.

Yup, I had a college class with the owner's daughter. Wisconsin is pretty small.

*fist pumps*

Thank you. Never actually saw any of those. Perhaps, it is time.

Can someone divulge where the above screen capture came from? Whatever that is, I MUST see it.