
Can we rule Best in Show as an exception? God does love a terrier.

Thank you Sean! I completely forgot I had a few of these records buried on an old hard drive. I think it's a great summer sound if you are in a hot cramped apartment, stoned and alone. His music is very solitary to me. Even in the case of First Thought Best Thought, it's such meditative music that even if someone

My suggestion of Chinbeard McPencilStache didn't take? No biggie :(

You can change your character at the access terminal. I went through 3 or 4 voices. Just weren't as good as the Russian female in the 3rd.

Started re-watching my Kid's in the Hall and Newsradio DVD's. Really needed some Dave Foley in my life. On a whim watched the first episode of Maron, and, MORE DAVE FOLEY!

Bonus points for the attempt, I can't even bring myself to do that anymore. Seattle's Pride is next weekend and I will more or less be staying away as usual.

Lunar Park was actually a decent novel and slightly made up for the Zoolander crap-tastic weirdness that was Glamorama. However, he seems to be falling out of the drug-fueled writing haze I was clearly enjoying and more into squeezing money and celebrity from Hollywood sort-of dealie.

Wha…wait, what?! This is a thing that will be real?! Palanuick is doing a screenplay?!? I upvote out of positive speculation.

Like two withered yams, stabbing forward into the ether.

Have fun, be safe, drink lots of water. Ours will be next weekend.

In what issue of Batman did they do the Daddy Warbucks crossover?

Hey, Malta, get a tree!

He is busy being supreme overlord to your Xbox's On/Off function.

This was the most correct answer. Paige Hamilton does, in fact, rulz.

That would be a lot of intense howling. I'm in!

No, I used to live a block from there in Pioneer Square. Now I live 6 blocks from there.

Then I wouldn't be known as "Hey, Naked Window Guy".

Hey! You can literally see my house(read: apartment) from there! Also, taken from the best dog park in the city.

So, you want to borrow it for the eventual klub remix you two will release on your new label?