
Agreed on the first three, but why's Corner's Gambit so low? Baboon, Family Happiness, Alphonse Mambo, Jaipur are some of my favorite MG songs, full stop.

I've read somewhere that Darnielle said (so, y'know, a good third- or fourth-hand account) that Alpha Rat's Nest is about their ultimate fates, where they burn down the house but get caught in the blaze, and the song is about their souls flying up to the sky with the smoke. I like it well enough, and it helps explain

Better for Flip to make it in than Impy, the questionably racist African tribesman character from the original comic.

I honestly think that CKII nails romance, albeit in a way that isn't something most games can emulate. While you have the option to give your spouse a gift or an honorary title to boost their opinion of you, you can also, provided the right circumstances, discover your love for them or rekindle your sex life. It's all

It's an odd game for someone who's mostly just played CK2. Interaction is limited to the state-to-state level, which is both good and bad.

Paradox games are rut-enablers like no other, due to the massive time commitment. I think that this goes doubly for CK2, due to the emphasis on heirs ("If I marry this genius peasant girl to my strong, attractive, son, then they will have super-babies! Now, who has the ideal combination of traits to educate the

Speaking of games that have not aged particularly well, I'm going to be taking another crack at Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. This was a game that I only played in demo form when I was a kid, which meant a single, puzzle-free, very linear level in which you have most of your Force powers, including, most importantly,

"Wyatt Senac calling Jon Stewart on a Herman Cain impersonation is like a
Jew calling Oscar Schindler an anti-Semite because he won't press an
elevator button for him on the Sabbath."
That metaphor is so fucking dumb as to be remarkably offensive. At first I thought you said that calling him a racist for this was blah

"Most of that was on the debut of Vice Music’s show where the hosts mixed
recordings from the Western Sahara"
Neat! I would love to listen to this!

I was in the far northeast of the map, near Frostborn, a little bit low on supplies. The Avid Horizon was further west (read: closer to London). I decided to take my ship all the way up North, and get deposited at the Avid Horizon.

I really want to see this.

Probably not a whole lot, as finals are rapidly approaching. However, I might take a quick jaunt out on Sunless Sea. I've been a Fallen London fan for years and recently started playing again. However, I've reached a point where I've accessed almost all of the content, leaving me with nothing but a dull grind sandwich.

I assume it's not, given what I've heard of the music/culture surrounding the music. However, most of what I've heard has been connected to the Norwegian black metal scene, which seemed very into the "grrrsodark" identity.

"Metal" might be the best word for it. It strikes me the way that a lot of black metal does, where it's trying so hard to be all church-burningly, baby-eatingly evil that it's actually more goofy than anything. Self-awareness doesn't strike me as being a big part of this game.

If you say the name three times while looking into a mirror, it summons a nerd with a chip on their shoulder and a poor understanding of what "free speech" means.

Over at Polygon, you can trace the discussion over this horrid little game (not going to say the title; if so inclined, you can research it yourself), which bills itself as a "genocide crusade." It's an isometric shooter with a black-and-white palette in which you kill as many people as possible because nihilism. Even

For months before this came out, I was listening to playlists of "WOW SUCH SEKRET LEAK OST MCUH NEW," including one that had Harlots by Revin Goff. It wasn't a part of the the actual OST, which makes me a bit sad, as it seems like it fits perfectly.

From what I understand, Saints Row IV was particularly good in this regard; the "sex appeal" slider increased breast size for women and dick size for dudes. Putting it all the way to the right meant that the male character appeared to be smuggling a butternut squash in his pants, while the female character… remained

I recently bought One Way Heroics for less than a dollar. More than anything, the graphics remind me of those old Final Fantasy games that they made for the GameBoy, where you were supposed to kill gods and such.

There's an interesting episode of Roguelike Radio where they interview him and he talks about how this was sort of a reflection of his early life as this quiet , imaginative kid who had to deal with his father's super-religious family and their views on the human body, sin, etc.