
I liked that besides the obvious differences between the mechanics of time travel and season-changing, there were significant differences in terms of play style between the two. Seasons was much more action-focused, both in terms of above-ground stuff and even boss fights, while Ages required you to think a lot more,

Don't forget the mini-boss (Blaino the Boxing Penguin-Fetus, for those of you keeping score), who could punch you back to the beginning of the dungeon!

There's a great bit of fourth-wall-breaking humor when you pick up the Yoshi Doll, the first item in one of the inevitable "Trade with everyone on the island to get this cool thing" quest. The description is "It's a doll of Yoshi. He seems to be showing up in a lot of games nowadays!"

Finals are coming up fast, and so I'll be focused on that, mostly. If I do get to play anything, it'll be a pick-up-and-play-and-then-die sort of thing, like FTL or Rogue Legacy.

Having played a little bit of it on a friend's PS4, I think it's overall a really good game. The powers are all fun (and, as TVTropes has thoughtfully pointed out, they aren't standard powers. You start with smoke, then neon, then "video," and finally concrete. Fire-Ice-Lightining it ain't), and breaking shit is

"Arabs be all like this…"

I dunno, it seems like some of the newer boards like /diy/ and /out/ are legitimately good. Maybe because they're kind of the opposite of the general 4chan demograchic's interests?

"Do you help the jazz pianist whose songbook has been stolen by monsters in the desert, or do you try to make your way into the ancient temple spewing the destructive Chaos?"
Pssssh, like that's even a real question. The world's going to end anyway. And how many jazz pianists did Noah include on his arc? Zero. This is

I feel like if romantic comedies are going to give their leads impossible jobs, they should just go all the way.

Short answer is not really.