The actor playing Hitler, Bruno Ganz, died in the beginning of this year. He was one the best german actors ever and the variety of his roles is amazing. May this meme have the same long live.
The actor playing Hitler, Bruno Ganz, died in the beginning of this year. He was one the best german actors ever and the variety of his roles is amazing. May this meme have the same long live.
It is the same horse from the attack on the golden company. They are just both survivers of the attack.
As someone who is born and living in Dresden (Germany) i can tell you, no one is using the word genocide. There a still arguments about how the bombing had any military value or was just a cruel plan. A lot found peace with the rebuilding of the womenschurch which is one of the most famous buildings in the city.
The lack of an engineer with a crowbar is disappointing.
As a German i’m way to confused about american-nazis. I know it’s about keep the white white and my race is the best race bla bla bla shittalk but still: headshaking confusing.
Sorry but i figured the shit out when i was 8 and said “let us play star wars vs. dragonball”. This was another level.
Entire Fleet? Wasn’t the case.
Watership Down is still my personal Vietnam.
triple check? let patrick show him how to improve this:
“Thats a nice Black Lotus. Do you trade it with my Elvish Champion?”
didnt crytek (besides naughty dog) also said they would do it if valve would give half life away?