
Because it’s out of his hands and 100% because of greedy fucking corporations. Stop being a mindless fucking ignorant troll and learn something for once, instead of parroting the same lame, blatantly false talking points.

It’s why rightwing fucktards love to project everything onto the left, because those twisted religious bastards are always the ones fondling and trafficking children. It’s beyond disgusting and yet they keep getting away with it.

I don’t think they chose their name, they were assigned it by snowflake rightwing fucktards.

I truly wish Biden cured cancer, just to watch the Right lose their minds, denying cancer treatment to own the libs. Fucking traitorous morons.

Sorry pal, it seems the direction of SW isn’t for you. Stop complaining, the rest of us are enjoying the shit out of it, as it constantly harkens back to us being a kid, imagining the shit we’re now seeing in the flesh. It’s escapism and pure fun.

he complains about quality issues, then ends up with an American car, LOL... like that’s gonna improve. They may be nice at first but give them a few months and the rattles and bullshit begins.

Both are assholes, but especially the Raptor for blocking/camping in the left lane. There are special circles of hell for those cunts. They’re the worst people on the road. GTF over in the right lane!

Yep, some of those who join forces are the same who burn crosses. I’d bet the vast majority of pigs on the scene are simpatico with the smooth-brained, window-licking, mouth breathing truckers.

“...It’s also a waste of funding and resources, with police appearing ready to risk their lives, or endanger the lives of the innocent, for a troll’s prank.”

Indeed, throw the fucking book at these smooth-brained idiots!

You left out the /s after your asinine, fucking anti-science, anti-fact statement. The unvaxed are the plague rats, they’re the ones allowing this to spread and mutate. I hope one of the next variants is really deadly.

Thank you for saying this out loud because I’ve been thinking it for a while now, just waiting these gleefully ignorant fucktards out.

LOL what a fucking chud comparing Nazis to BLM protesters! I’m sure, in your world, day-old pizza is equally bad to cancer-ridden, steaming feces in a bowl. JFC!

If we’re ever to try to fix what’s going on in this country, getting rid of Fox, OAN, Newsmax, and every other propaganda hate network is the first step, with strict regulations on all media outlets after that, as step two. One must publish verified facts w/o opinion to be considered and approved of as any news

And yet Newsmax is still carried, radicalizing more and more people every day.

That you, Cosby?

The only funny things about Steve Harvey are his reactions on Family Feud, and even those get old quick, and his gank-ass mustache.

LOL anyone, especially comedians crying about cancel culture, are turds to avoid and shame and ridicule for being such close-minded fools. If you’re funny, you’re funny no matter what, not having to rely on others’ expense to be funny. Punching up is funny, but all the comedians complaining about cancel culture are

From what I’ve read, including articles about olive oil being controlled, traded, and fucked with mafias (adding inferior oils to cut it with), Costco’s Kirkland olive oil is legit and 100% pure.

Well, it has to be, since xtians are the absolute worst snowflakes out there, needing to be coddled and catered to at every turn, or else they lose their shit, turning into raging Karens and Kens.