
Yes, and his having unfiltered answers to that type of audience will make a huge difference in his primary numbers. He reached an audience that, without that face to face, only hears about him in a negative, heavily-edited way. The more they hear his unfiltered, uneditorialized ideas, the more they may start to

Initially I was like, yeah, fuck Fox! But the more I think about it, the more I think she’s wrong to turn them down. Yes, they’re pure propaganda at the cost of our Democratic Republic, but in order to win, you need to turn the Trump states back blue enough to game the EC. Skipping that braindead audience is a

Just another pig making shit up to justify his being offended, just like a true Trumpster. Feelings over logic every single time, which is why those types always tout that saying while being the first offended, wanting others in trouble. Pure projection.

The yolks have all the good nutrients and taste. Eat them yolks, folks.

Nothing like the supposed party of “personal responsibility and freedom” making bills that take away things we can decide for ourselves if we want to do or not. This chode probably thinks just liberals play games, and I’ll bet he thinks he’s so smart doing this.

Same here. I was all in for him last time (still voted for Hillary, I’m not crazy) but it’s the young progressives’ time now. Most of the Dems running share 95% of Bernie’s platform anyway, in a far better and younger package. I guess it’ll come down to how ravenous the Bernie bros are this time around and if they can

Just go away, Biden. I like you but you need to not run. It’s the progressive’s moment now, the country is ripe for it, but not you, the moderate boring centrist.

Man do I hope we make contact within my lifetime, it’ll truly be either the thing that unites us as humans, or most likely, the thing that brings out the worst in us, with leaders wanting to nuke it all.

Sure, these ufos will surely see how dimwitted we all are and bug out, not wanting to waste resources on “dropping a nuke” on us. These military heads, it’s all they think about, that the whole universe is out to get us, like we’re that important. Imagine their reaction in seeing Trump as our leader... I’d leave the

Yeah, i gotta say, combining both in the right amounts feels like riding in a 70's Cadillac, but with the control of a Ferrari. It’s just superb, so out there, yet so much control. It’s taken a few nights of partying and greening out to get the mixture right though.

Libertarians are middle school civics students who lack the brain capacity to think about ideas further than the first, “hey that sounds cool” reaction to hearing about Libertarianism. Once you start thinking about it, every single tenet falls easily apart.

All Republicans thrive on being the victims, always setting themselves up to be able to claim victimhood. Amping up their rhetoric puts people in danger, radicalizing already weak-minded rubes who lack the intellectual capacity to see right through conservatisms’ easily-debunked platform.

You’re a goddamned idiot if you think her rhetoric is too harsh. Lay off the Fox news pipe and try reality and facts for a while. Until then, GFY!

I don’t think we watched the same movie, or you were just looking to trash every part of it, to be that guy. You’re why I barely read any reviews anymore; caffeinated incels reading into everything, thinking you could do way better, if only James had talked to you and your face-palming friend first.

A good salty Corona?

He can have his lawyer write whatever excuse and victimhood explanation he wants, but that smile says it all. That smile revealed his sick, vacuous soul. Fuck that kid, he deserves all that comes to him from this.

So you really believe that somebody making that much money, where this rate would kick in, would suddenly lose all work ethic to make more because of that tax rate? Are you seriously that fucking stupid, or are you just willingly ignorant of reality and need to maintain your loyalty to the rich at all costs?

Sarcasm aside, you failed to grasp the very basic concept of marginal tax rates, in that ONLY the money you make AFTER 10 MILLION gets taxed at 70%. It’s not hard to grasp and being willingly ignorant to this fact makes you ripe for being a right wing rube, swallowing Fox News talking points like a porn star does a loa

Motherfuck McConnel!! He comes right out against so many things that our Democracy needs to thrive and get stronger. I can’t wait until he gets voted out at the very least. He needs to rot in a cell, slowly rotting away with painful cancer. He’s done more to damage our country than anyone I can think of in America’s

So it’s irresponsible of her to speculate, yet Fox News does it 24/7, but we all know having an article about each and every one of theirs would need an entire sub-site of its own here.