
We need new Dem leadership, new fighters that will know and do this instinctively, instead of holding onto this notion that the GOP will still come to the table to compromise with them.

It sure is to all the dumbass rightwingers I know. They all prattle on about being persecuted and not being able to say anything anymore, that they’re not safe. It’s beyond amazing and also hard not to laugh in their stupid faces.

Fuck these fascist racists!! They cry about being oppressed by the left, yet they’re the ones being complete fascists, demanding people not wear Nike apparel just because of the scary black man standing up against police brutality.

LOL Antifa, you and countless braindead idjits’ favorite boogeyman. If it’s not that, it’s Soros or Clinton or Obama.

Oh get fucked with your inability to self reflect and see the anti-humanity of the team you cheer for. #GFY

The only problem with them being scared shitless of her is that they’ll never cease in their dragging of her through the mud, just like they did with Hillary for over 2 decades. That constant mud slinging has an effect on people, beyond just their mouth-breathing window-licking audience.

Exactly, and just how are they supposed to do anything of substance, policy-wise while they hold no power in government at all? I get being pissed at the Dems for certain perceived wrongdoings, but this is not the time to take it out on them by not voting, or voting 3rd party. That’s how we got Trump.

Or just poop in the shower to save even more time!

Good, it needs to happen sooner rather than later. It has to happen on their watch, otherwise, if a Dem is in power, they’ll just blame them, and Trump and the GOP get off scott free.

Yep, we’ve already witnessed the peak of America in our lives. It’s all a downward slide from here, even if we vote them out and get a chance to repair the damage already done.

Yep, if I had to pick one guy on this entire planet to launch into space on the tip of a Space-X rocket, it’d be Mitch goddamn McConnel, the breaker of America.

Most of them pay taxes, you ignorant tooth. GTFO with your propaganda, misinformation, and hatred for your fellow human beings.

The best long-term solution is to vote. Fucking show up to vote, and stop being the complacent, excuse-ridden American that contributes to the shitshow we’re in. Save the excuses and do your duty and vote. Better yet, get your friends and family to vote, especially if they’re not conservative.

Rebuild the Blue States of America while the White Supremacy States of Merica do their thing. It’s time to cut the cord and let them drift in their own filth and hatred and ignorance. The red states are bringing us all down, time to let them secede at the very least. They’re not Americans, they’re radicalized

Exactly my thoughts as well. The mouth-breathers in the red states are beyond getting through to or convincing otherwise, so we might as well focus all our attention on the complacent “middle or moderates” who barely show up to vote. Get them mad and fired up to vote and suddenly, we’ll have better people to represent

But books are for “elitists”. /s

The only thing that gives me a bit of peace knowing this horrific human being is out there, is that she’s fat and old and hopefully will be not of this Earth for very much longer.

Not afraid, just motivated to actually get out and vote for once. If you always vote, then get your friends and (sane) family to vote too. The reason we’re in this pickle is because so many moderate, sane, and complacent Americans can’t be bothered to vote. They sure love to complain though. Be the change and get out

Here’s hoping the water-tossing becomes a regular thing. Though, I’m not sure what it will take to get her to look inward and realize how black her soul is and how acidic her blood is.

Poor, triggered snowflake incels, every last one of them. I weep for the future if this is what a large percentage of young males are like. We need more chlorine in the gene pool.