It’s not a tornado it’s a dust devil.
It’s not a tornado it’s a dust devil.
No, sadly we are not. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and his spiritual(?) descendants, we are back to pre-Dickensian times. Debtor’s prisons, people being worked to death, mothers being forced to bear children they can’t afford and then sell or give them away to pay the bills — all of the joys of the life he described have…
Yeah, the thinking is that the courts and jails should pay for themselves through fines. The thinking is that education, the justice system, and all government agencies should be run like a business and pay for themselves through fees and fines. Problem is that jails are NOT businesses. I need to research to find out…
This is just shocking, that having served as an artist’s model precludes you from working in public schools. Philistines!
I didn’t read that as #notallmen, I though the comment was addressed at nycyclist his/herself, that being a survivor shouldn’t mean you won’t ever love and trust anyone again and that there are good people out there too.
I had a teacher once who sat us down, showed us how to draw a head and chin, told us that eyes are really more like halfway down and not right up at the top, that the nose is about halfway to the chin from the eyes and the mouth about halfway between the nose and chin. Then she showed us a couple different ways to…
Wow, what a cool way to do an art project! Are you an art teacher or just awesome?
Exactly. There is a huge difference in guiding work and hand-over-hand stuff. There is nothing wrong with guiding as long as they do the work and make the actual decisions. If you want a kid to really make a great painting of a flower you ask them “what colors do you need for this painting?” and let them choose. Sit a…
It may have been a guided art project. I did self portraits with my class of 5 year older where I’d have 4 of them at a table with mirrors. I’d ask them to start by drawing the shape of their head. Then to look in the mirror and draw one thing at a time while saying stuff like “what shape are your eyes?” “What about…
My mom is a kindergarten teacher and this looks nothing like the drawings she brings home from children to grade. Considering what my mom tells me about how insane her school has gotten, I can fully believe a desperate teacher under the gun did this. I bet anything this is some money-making scheme from a tone-deaf,…
Weddings are such a weird industry.
Behold, a beauteous Nick Offerman as a young lad dressed in his South Pacific musicale-style best. Mmmmm…
I’m pretty sure I check out men and women a lot more than my partner. There have been at least two occasions when I said something about women in the park (not snarky, like “I love her outfit” or “I wonder if I could pull off that look”) and he’s not noticed her at all because he was looking at a dog. I just like…
I’d love to see JGL do an old-fashioned variety show a la Carol Burnett. I think he would rock the house.
Kafka would have found a lot to write about if he’d been writing today.
Dad when I was 15: “You could stand to lose a few...” I was around 135 then...and I’m 5’7”.
Catholic priests have become synonymous with “abuse” in recent years, but they’ve never been the only people of the…
Does this mean you DON’t want to dance like Uma Thurman?
I would imagine that they had matching cloth straps put across the backs when they had the dresses altered to hide the bra strap, much like you can have matching straps or sleeves added to a strapless dress. So there’s likely a bra strap under there, but that strip of cloth is not the bra itself. But frankly, it’s…
I use butter for pastry. Shortening is so blech.