Forgive me if I missed it but please give credit where credit is due, to the three-month investigation by Los Angeles Times reporters. This post sounds like “Jezebel reported” and then action resulted. I can’t imagine you meant it to.
Forgive me if I missed it but please give credit where credit is due, to the three-month investigation by Los Angeles Times reporters. This post sounds like “Jezebel reported” and then action resulted. I can’t imagine you meant it to.
He likes writing angry posts, and does not like reading. I think he’s presidential material!
Seriously. Baez, of all people, getting bent out of shape for some celebratory extracurricular? Fuck out of here, you batflippin dumbass.
she is garbage and I’m glad she’s dead
Bruh (or sis?), what haters, though? Mentioning that she doesn’t identify as black, which she has repeatedly said herself, is not hating, nor is not claiming folks as black who don’t claim blackness themselves. She’s biracial—what, exactly, is the problem with identifying her as she identifies herself? It’s funny how…
Plot twist: Somehow, he’s even worse than we imagined.
I’ve worked in bars long enough to know two things: People are assholes and Drunk people are even worse assholes. I’ve seen numerous men and women be the ones to throw the first punch. Oddly enough women were the ones more likely to attack a bouncer rather than another patron.
Clearly, you are unfamiliar with Hope Solo.
This is a bad argument.
It’s amazing how many people seem to think Deadspin, Gizmodo, etc are all a single person.
Different writers for each piece. Opinions don’t have to be shared across writers.
Usually Curry takes over the next morning. That may just be me though.
Ya’ll shady with that picture choice.
You spelled her name wrong. Jenna Fischer.
Tottenham Bonespur
Ok Sport, it’s bedtime.
The last head coach they hired had less coaching experience.
Right. So then, viewing the episodes of Atlanta, that’s 2018, where, and I’m counting, in four episodes now Dark skin black women have been portrayed as angry, stereotypical, hood, and uncouth. The lightskin women as desirable yet crazy and unreasonable. And then using his past and recent works to come to a…