
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Simply one of the douchiest phrases currently out there in the realm of internet comments.

“hanging chads” was more popular, if I remember correctly.

Shoulda compared them to characters from Almost Heroes

Tedious, uninspired. As far as sponsored posts go, I say 4/10.

hear, hear

I’m assuming you’re not new to politics, but you certainly sound like it. There isn’t a more narcissistic group of people in the world than politicians on the national level. Do you think Hillary didn’t think a lot about herself becoming President, and in a way making it about herself? It’s part of the process. Some

Right? Saying “most of them have significant psychological or social issues” is much more caustic and bitter than saying “you can tell why they are single,” which many other commenters have said. Fuck that other person.  

Shitty YouTube comments? Really? Pulled this research straight out of the “No Shit” files.

Words from internet strangers, man. Ya gotta get over that somehow.

Melo sags into a low defensive stance, anticipating a drive in some direction, but Beasley reads his posture and rises up for an uncontested jumper in his face. That’s a shot that the NBA zeitgeist loathes, a relic of ugly late-90s basketball, but it is also, you know, worth points.

If you were simply asking why she can’t run without the DCCC, then your response should have ended after your first sentence. However, you chose to continue and mention not once, but twice, that she is really adamant about him lying. I can see the origin of Gestapo Librarian’s confusion. You chose to reinforce the

Her role as Evelyn Baker lang on The West Wing is my absolute favorite Glenn Close performance. I know that is probably sacrilege when thinking about her entire career, because I am pretty sure it was only one episode, but she just fucking rocked it.  

Is this sarcasm?

Jesus Christ, I was reading and kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. If you can’t get a hot take out in less words, maybe you’re trying too hard.

Oh shit lol “keep it real” haha

Homie, hit the showers. I don’t buy your babe in the woods routine at all, especially after seeing you defend ‘locker room’ talk above.

This is a truly impressive humblebrag, I mean that. Like, I guess it’s not even a humble brag.

Yeah, the comment you replied to is fucking cringeworthy.

Fair enough.