Because a Ford Flex doesn’t make a cop feel good. Tahoe’s and Explorers do.
Because a Ford Flex doesn’t make a cop feel good. Tahoe’s and Explorers do.
Why do cops even need to be driving these bitch baskets anyways? Aside from big city cops, which won’t get this for a while anyways, suburban cops should be sitting in Prii. They don’t need heavy duty anything to protect the NIMBY’s and clock me to and from work.
Lol. What?! Did some jabroney figure out the concepts prototype tooling could handle 100 more cycles?
That’s precisely why he went there!
Due to the drawing of the gun being, well, cartoonish, and my sexism, I thought it was a hair dryer. Like, give them hell, with a hot hair dryer?!
It’s 2018, and your vacuum shouldn’t have a cord anymore.
It’s 2018, and your vacuum shouldn’t have a cord anymore.
Harris is boring. Which is why LeBlanc is such a huge loss for the BBC.
People are not buying trucks because it’s make any logical sense. They buy them to look cool. Hybrids aren’t cool in their eyes. Hybrid truck = Not a cool truck.
Yah, like truck buyers are going to even think about buying a hybrid.
I’ve seen the data, people just accelerate faster now and so that uses more energy.
$13K?! Yikes. You can buy a Brand new Tourx for less than double that.
Do words mean nothing anymore?
What is it? The x7?
I was wondering the same thing. I’m never one to say no to power, but, these things scream, look at my money instead of watch me do cool things.
Hey you let those materialistic and opulent yet manliest men alive spend their money however they want. It’s none of your business how they choose to waste resources. It’s their god given right! /s
It’s all starting to feel sort of insecure and crazy, if we’re honest.
He is the President of the United States, and I think deserves respect because of that.
Yes, regressive taxes on the middle and low class will stop the rich individuals over consumption and corporate skirting of and/or ignoring environmental standards in the name of money.
Are we favoring EV’s out of idiocy when the fastest emissions reduction would be mass hybridization?
So she went over some arbitrary line you and other softies have, but she used words. The current administration is using actions against people to cross legal lines. The horror that Wolf would use words to offend people who are protected 24/7.