But in effect, all it’s done is made the American car market more closed off and with fewer choices, in a way that has stifled innovation. And while there are definitely ways around it, they’re dumb and expensive and pointless.
So we’re clear, I’m not arguing that it’s a bad thing, and I agree with your reasoning on why it was implemented. But it absolutely benefits the manufacturers as well.
Uhh, the sedan looks fine, but that Hatchback is something else.
I did not say any of that. You made it all up.
If I were that High Schools AD, I’d promptly fire him and withhold any pay he has not yet received. As an adult age person, you don’t shove a minor ever, let alone while celebrating a win. Fuck that asshole. He’s the bitch that ruins sports for kids.
Because “just building a better car” is a lot harder than 99.9% of the world understands.
Because we are mouth breathing arm chair experts. Trump is the mouth breathing arm chair PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
She should ask him to go with her.
Damn, does that person use the dollar shave club of Gillette or Schick?? That is a close fucking shave.... OH.
Stop with the stupid “buy American” speech.
And Henry Ford was an anti-semite.
Then you penalize them for leaving. The american market is the largest viable market. China is larger, but they produce most of their cars and that whole communism and government owned thing.
Looks like it’s ALMOST come full circle...
Agreed. Which is interesting given how they have some serious off road chops in the dirt bike and ATV world.
I don’t condone it, but snitches get stitches.
I love how this is jalopnik and the commenters are complaining about a god damn engineering marvel. This is literally years of trickle down technology and all you schmucks can do is complain it’s not a V8. Grow your own pair.
Dart farts.
In my parts, the bros drive the bows and the lords drive the fords. I was not surprised one bit at the new styling of the GM trucks. I anticipate it will do well.
The Detroit Free Press reports that Ford’s global reorganization effort could lead to a new focus in terms of revenue: all of the data it gathers through its financing entity, Ford Credit. Selling buyers’ personal data that could determine their likes, dislikes, habits and otherwise for advertisers is a big source of…