Bud Tugly

I may be, no AM, biased, but, the Brewers have some of the best colors and the best logo in the league.  At least their alternate/vintage unis.  The white base.  Royal Blue pin stripes.  Corn yellow accents.  and the good old MB glove logo on a royal blue hat.  

My johnson grew 2 inches by just looking at it.

My question is why do whites admire and keep joining failed movements?

Every single one of these boys should be expelled for the remainder of the year and held back a year.  

Good measure.  Much science.  

Well, if by your definition (which I don’t disagree with from a sematnics stand point) a hatch is a third door, then the Veloster is a 4 door. Grow up little boy.

Just make it have two really big doors that stretch from A to C pillar. Six windows. One front vent. One for front passenger. One for rear passenger.

but the people on the ground aren’t there for those reasons.

For a great deal of time he sacrificed his freedoms over seas dealing with dangers none of us will ever see

No one deserves to get made fun of for the way they look, but it doesn’t make it any worse (or better) HOW they got to look the way they do. Dan chose this career path. It’s tragic he got injured, but his veteran status shouldn’t have any bearing on the offensiveness of the statement.

PP2 unlocks a lowered stance, a wider front splitter

Nah, that’s not at all what’s going on. The spark does not ignite the total a/f mixture. The spark ignites a rich a/f mixture which grows in size to increase compression to the point that the lean a/f mixture ignites.

Not aldi.  

When I squint I see a lot of 10 year old Corvette and Lexus LFA.  

Robb Report is a thing?


try bombing down a gravel road in one

Lol. Yah, toy scooters for tourists are the answer to large traffic scale congestion.

Dammit. I am the same way. I’m usually not wrong in my uses of things like this. Thanks for the correction.

But then the big bad ass sales manager has no perceived leverage over the peasant customer.  /s