
Hence the remark, stripping hits close to home for them.

Yeah but good police work rarely gets a mention in the news.

I guess we should be glad that he did this? This guy might have actually made it into the ranks of Law Enforcement but for his idiocy.

I’m all for diversity in film except when the inclusion of say non white or even white characters is nothing more than a ridiculous attempt at marketing to demographics. Like that crappy tv show on FX set in 13th century Wales, the token black characters were kind of ridiculous. Or how about the sympathetic white

Obama is a transcendent speaker, some things rely on natural ability. I will give credit to Hillary for improving in her public speaking. She’ll never be a great shout speaker, she probably doesn’t have the resonance, but she is getting a lot better at maximizing her resonance.

Wait... that’s a show? I didn’t drink enough beer at Oktoberfest if it is.

I’ve asked this of women I’ve dated, and one even tried to make me watch this crap. It’s always a shoulder shrug or well it’s what’s on.

He might not have been President without her.

Well to be sure there is a slight difference between the person who tries to stay in shape despite a full work week and someone for whom staying in shape is literally part of their job. That being said Ms. Machado is one of those lucky women who seems to put all of her additional weight into the right places and quite

I agree but let’s be honest, its not dudes who are supporting Miss America or Miss Universe for that matter.

I don’t think it’s a lack of intelligence, i think that his issue is one of extreme NPD and well derangement.

It’s what I keep seeing and what I keep reading, could explain why with so many of these shootings it appears that some of the officers were trying to resolve the situation with non-lethals when the shots were fired.

Exactly, I look at these and think maybe maybe not. But to make a definitive statement based on what was available. Not sure how you can conclude one way or the other.

Well right that’s why I used the word might.

He might have, look at the still frame. Officer on the right has a taser, officer on the left has a pistol. The deceased appears to be holding his vape almost as if he’s drawing it like a weapon at the officer armed with a pistol.

Well if police officers think that a person is enough of a threat then typically one officer will deploy non-lethals while the other officer covers with a service weapon. Sounds like the officer with the pistol panicked and fired when the vic pulled the vape out of his pocket. Given the still frames available it

Im thinking that Marty’s face will inspire peak performance from the brute.

I don’t know, this is one of the more inventive and self aware efforts at self promotion. Kudos to him for understanding that people have a good reason to hate him.

I’d donate my punch to the nearest zoo silverback gorilla.

It depends on the officers and it depends on the area. If it’s a high crime neighborhood Police are more likely to resort to force and less likely to talk.. Here there’s two officers confronting the guy, one officer should cover the subject with weapon while the other deploys non lethals. No reason for both officers