
The issue is whether or not their punishments cut evenly across racial lines. Of course here you’re looking at a form of gender discrimination as well. So the counter would be much like you said, hey we sucked at this in the past now we’re trying to change things for the better.

There’s also a wide range of behaviors when youre dealing with sexual harassment. Sometimes there’s a charge and then it looks like the interest was mutual until the affair ended. Sometimes you get mildly creepy behavior and supposition and others you get all the way up to borderline sexual assault. It’s possible

Look, I can’t remember the last time I defended the police in a shooting case (I think the answer is never) but if the cops’ story checks out and the kid was running away from the police and pulled this very real looking gun from his waist, well, then I don’t really see how this could have ended any differently.

True but given the way the child or his friends allegedly brandished the weapon it fits the definition of a prop. I doubt they said it was a BB gun during the supposed armed robbery.

“You cannot have the police crying about being scared about people having guns when you have laws that let people walk around with said guns.”

“Ohio is an open carry state. There is no way to reasonably say that the mere existence of a gun is sufficient to allow the cops to blow someone away.”

White kids do get shot and killed by police,

Tamir Rice was just sitting in the park even as the police pulled up. Holding a similar “weapon” with the orange tip removed yes but the officers didn’t even try to apprehend him. They just pulled up and started shooting. here it appears that the officers actually received a report of an armed robbery, meaning that

I suspect that this 13 year old boy was involved in an armed robbery... so who is the scum bag who put him up to it?

Perhaps but one of the problems with our out of control gun culture is that police have to contend with a great number of stupid people with firearms which likely results in a very defensive mindset. Armed robbery suspect fleeing suggests that he doesnt intend to surrender. Him producing a firearm from his waist band

I was thinking Robert T. Bakker.

Ellie, you know damned well that he couldn’t spell pneumonia correctly.

That is a majestic beard... I expected his eyes to be buggier and crazier looking. I’m think this might be one of the Donald’s saner supporters.

1. But sometimes priors are relevant, particularly when you’re looking at issues of credibility. If the Defense chooses to put the Defendant forward then why shouldn’t the Defendant be able to rebut the Defendant’s testimony? Simply removing the crossing of priors doesn’t solve the fundamental problems with forcing a


A person should be allowed to refuse to answer, one common element with wrongful convictions is that Law Enforcement aggressively pressured the vic to confess. Turns out people are surprisingly malleable to social pressure, especially when confronted with authority figures.

People watch Miss America?

Choosing to kneel on a day in which 60 police officers died trying to save people within the twin towers probably isn’t the best idea. See if they follow through the following weeks.

Not exactly, Sherman has refuted the more extreme elements within BLM. But he has denied the posts supposedly attributed to him. I think he should adjust his position to “we need to deal with crime within the black community AND deal with inequities in law enforcement and the justice system.” Which might discourage

But shit they’ve already infiltrated our cities.