I don’t know, something is deeply unsettling about her eyes.
I don’t know, something is deeply unsettling about her eyes.
Tormented closeted gay men?
I can’t be the only one who sees this, what is wrong with her eyes? It’s like she’s dead inside.
I try to work in pushups throughout my work day and force myself to take the stairs. Thing is I know women who have great careers and jobs who basically want that lifestyle.
I have to assume that it’s more practical than most women’s clothes, isn’t it actually designed to be comfortable and practical?
Yeah but I kind of wanted him to get bean bagged.
I hope they bean bagged him during the arrest.
He’ll have a friend do it.
Or because race biases and prejudices are disturbingly common and that said biases and prejudices are not just a white people problem. Would they be saying this is the woman was black? At least some of them wouldn’t.
He might not have legally owned any of these firearms.
Ohhhh goody I hope he gets bean bagged.
Well we do, culturally, do more to prepare women and girls. With women people tend to encourage them to be involved with children that aren’t even related to them. So girls and women are more likely to grow up with some passing familiarity with children. I remember when my first nephew was born, at first I didn’t want…
was :’-(
Somehow I don’t think they’ll be able to replicate Yul Brynner’s menacing performance from the original movie.
Check out “the Last Kingdom” on Netflix.
Badly, but I wasn’t an Olympian. The standard of behavior is for the benefit of her fellow athletes, what about the young women who poured their blood sweat and tears into this sport and fell short? Then they see some spoiled American pouting at the award ceremony.
Lochte is the definition of DB, but he almost certainly was on the receiving end of a shakedown. A) Alley pissing is a part of life in every country outside the US, even in white Europe where the police will actually piss on the side of public streets. B) the damage to that sign didn’t warrant the kind of money that…
McKayla Maroney was blasted at first for acting like a spoiled brat, truth, then when the anger died down it became a beloved meme.
Because people naturally form biases and prejudices. The bigot rarely admits to being a bigot and in her case she couldn’t or wouldn’t accept her own bigotry.
Labor Law attorney, I prefer accommodation. People with actual disabilities and medical conditions should be accommodated while slackers and those intolerant of diverging opinions should not.