
It’s probable that no one would have cared about a dude getting kicked out of his room. At most publications would have mocked him for being a wuss.

Even the destestable Manning Clan did exactly that, when Archie Manning listed the births of his grandchildren as the most significant of his children’s accomplishments despite 2 of his three sons being super bowl winning quarterbacks. In the past I’ve read articles that listed marriage and children being more

I’ve noticed similar sentiments with male athletes as well, children and marriage are regarded as bigger accomplishments. When Archie Manning was asked who his favorite was between Peyton or Eli his identified his eldest son(name I can’t remember) and said because he had given him grandchildren. This is Jez being Jez.

Yeah... but sometimes the shoe fits

Eh it struck me as another thoughtless off the cuff remark from Zap Brannigan’s orange and less confident uncle. Honestly all of this crap about the stupid stuff that he says distracts from his biggest weak points, the guy is a fraud and a whimp. Strength, how can you be judged as strong when you can’t hold a position

Just call her an asshole.

On Jezebel we frequently see the issue of wouldness when it comes to horrible but attractive male political figures.

Not exactly, depending on the CJS it can be a very strict way to live.

It depends, probation can be a very strict way to live depending on the County Justice system. Regular drug testing, he may not be allowed into bars, not a drop of alcohol, curfew, a required minimum number of hours of work/volunteer work, the terms of his community supervision might even bar him from having romantic

I’d say there’s multiple factors, instinct certainly doesn’t explain everything. But sometimes it can help. Here the normal instinctive barrier isn’t in place and the dominant party in this relationship has rejected normal social conventions. God I hope this relationship doesn’t result in children, imagine growing up

There are multiple reasons why sibling screwing generally doesn’t happen, instinct and being raised together is part of it. Otherwise there’s social mores/values etc.

I have to assume that normal intincts aren’t at play when the siblings, parents/children weren’t raised together.

I’ll confess I’ve asked questions like this... of women that I have been romantically involved with and only after such involvement has already been initiated.

He speaks to their paranoia, they think that having a powerful man like Trump will keep them safe. A good number of destructive wars have been caused by asshole men and paranoid women.

Every so often he does bumble his way into a respectable policy stance, so he has the stopped clock thing going for him. There are politicians out there who don’t even have that, like Ted Cruz.

Ive got to assume that it’s the other lips given the subtext of disgust from the PB staffer.

Yeah but would you rip on the appearance of deplorable men? Donald Trump was likely born with a disposition towards severe NPD. Melania on the other hand what’s her excuse, she actually married and had sex with Donald Trump.

Can someone explain the open mouthed expression that she gives? I get a bit of an uncanny valley feeling when I look at her.

Also the financial penalty for him missing training camp would probably be significant.

But that could be a problem in and of itself. One of the greatest impediments of female agency and freedom has been this overly protective societal tendency towards women. Women’s health, property rights where always subjects to controls that were not placed upon men. The truth is that young women receive a level of