
Anything's better than Garrosh.

It's the same kind of headline that's been encouraged for a century.

One post, two posts, three posts! Three!

I'll usually let spelling mistakes go in a Bricken article, but...

January can't come quickly enough...

A literature that changes depending on the author. About all they can agree on is the blood-drinking thing (and not even that entirely, if you read the Dresden Files).

It's a Bricken thing, I guess...

Unions are a decent idea in theory, it's when the leadership got in bed with the Democrat Party that they went off the rails.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Here's a shorter version:

Meh, I got a kick-ass Voli build from there.

The flu vaccine is made using chicken eggs. Egg yolk goes into my body by any means, and my nose is completely useless for a week. For someone my age and general health level, I'll risk the flu over that.

Not to mention that Uncle Joe was a Georgian...

Hitler screwed the pooch on invading Russia during the summer of 41'

Just one problem...Riddle started at Hogwarts in 1938.

I can only go back to the turn of the last century with my family's history before the records start disappearing (my great-grandfather's adoption record from ~1905-10 burned with the orphanage, and the 1890 Census records were lost to fire and Congressional order). Anything further back only has any value if there's

Basically, the Icelandic cousin app writ large.

A middle name given at birth, a confirmation name, both of his parents' clan names...welcome to 1740s Scotland.

Google Fiber laughs at your puny "laser".

Pack it up, we found Kolob.