
Lo and behold, Isabella gets big in Florida, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Colorado, and New Mexico in 2006.

Apparently, capitalization and spelling are too socialist for you.

There's a reason I've been calling nuggets "meat-like substance" since I was about 12...

If they had to be 100% muscle, then they'd be too expensive for fast food chains to offer them. All that means is the kid would get a burger instead.

"you can't hit the reset button every damn episode"

As soon as we invent something that's better than us at everything, then we just become errors in the code...that reminds me, I still need to see Terminator 2.

The rich get to protect themselves, the rest get screwed. This is what happens when the People give up their power.

Well, they are a sanctuary city after all...

Most of the buildings in this article burned...

"15 years is too short a period of time to draw any conclusions"

Those radio waves, for the most part, aren't strong enough to make it more than a couple of light years before getting swallowed up by the background noise.

Looking, looking, all the way down the thread...for the love of Vanessa Angel!

Sorry, but nothing can top the Palace of the Soviets.

Penny Dreadful? That reminds me, I need to catch up on that webcomic.

It's He-Man, don't try to explain it.

Then there's nothing stopping the guys who already have an advantage from using PEDs to get more of one. After all, Barry Bonds was already a lock for the Hall of Fame before he started juicing.