
Sports by themselves carry severe health risks. Most of the damage with PEDs comes when badly-designed drugs (Dianabol and the like) are taken in higher doses than are safe without any kind of medical supervision, like what happened in the "steroid era". We've never seen what can happen when the professional doctors

They liked it just fine until Barry Bonds got too good on them...

Those guys were playing in the "Wild West days", taking pills by the handful without any kind of professional supervision. I wouldn't be too surprised to see the likes of Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez live into their 70s.

Anything more specific? "Bird" only gets it to the order level.

I heard a brief riff from a press conference a while back, but this is the first thing I've heard of it since then.

He's kind of right. The only difference between your point and his is the times.

"Timothy Dalton, the former James Bond who more recently proved he’s still quite the formidable foe (not to mention a terrific actor) in Hot Fuzz."

Damn, I posted a comment and then found out that the author hit that point at the top of the page.

They'll probably hit that $100 price point for Black Friday.

The soft case is $12.99. That isn't even a joke.

Screens also break easily, and even more so when you can't close the damned thing.

3D DOES cause a shorter battery life, which sucks for people like me whose eyes are too jacked up to use that feature.

I haven't bought a Nintendo system since 2004, and I'm interested in this.

When that starts happening, they'll change their strategy (it's just how capitalism works).

I wasn't even considering buying a 3DS, as I haven't bought a Nintendo product since the GBA SP (missed out on DS because I just couldn't afford it at the time), and my eyes are f*cked up enough to make 3D a disqualifying feature. The price cut doesn't hurt at all, of course...it's enough to cover a new game.

Titanic: December release

Look harder. I'd suggest trying Bolivia, where Quechua (the ethnic group that made up the Inca Empire) are the majority.

Not "absurdly" competent, he has hundreds of years of experience to draw from.

Agreed. Nobody likes an Ashnard.

Mel Gibson falls into that category too.