
We're in a "Gutenberg moment" with information as a whole, for the same reason that Levinson gave in the last paragraph. The Powers That Be did everything they could to control it that time, too.

Wasn't really swept under the rug as much as refused to come out from under it.

You're confusing your unconstitutional programs. The DEA partnership goes back to 1994.

That first sentence...

The climax of the first episode I ever saw involved He-Man cutting a piece of ground out of the desert and rolling the minions up in it like a f*cking burrito. I agree, the movie is unmakable without...typical Hollywood bullshit.

That Lundgren movie exists like Episode 1 does, by which I mean it doesn't.

The climate's always changing, a little extra boost by humanity doesn't change that fact. Life made it just fine the last time there wasn't ice at the poles (5 million years ago, after the human and chimpanzee evolutionary paths diverged), species are always going extinct, and it's the height of hubris to believe that

The movies are a different continuity than the comics. Anything Marvel with the word "mutant" attached to it belongs to Fox until they stop making X-Men movies, which is at least 10 years away.

"Covering an expensive face in makeup"...you do realize she was the female lead in Avatar, right?

Only by a dumbass who doesn't know what "Big Brother" actually means.

Newitz failed to mention that a similar case brought by Jim Brown (one of the greatest running backs in NFL history) against EA under a different law was decided sanely—by protecting all cases where artistic expression is above zero—by the same court on the same day. Yes, this is in the linked article.

This article could've been done by Miklós and most people wouldn't have known the difference. Damned near the whole thing was copied and pasted from the CBC article.

You forget, most of that time they HAD a Stargate show with Eureka (Atlantis didn't end until 2009...). This falls into Sturgeon's Law territory: 90% of everything is crap.

Tepes was leading a rebellion against the Ottomans. He couldn't feed prisoners, and he would've gotten a worse fate if the Turks (led by his younger brother) had captured him.

Sounds more like the name of an Assassin's Creed 3 DLC.


That isn't the issue, it's the ice that's on land in Greenland and Antarctica that most people are worried about.

I take climate control perfectly seriously. After all, it sucks having to work inside in the summer with no air conditioning.

Misleading headline, hyperbole, irrelevancy...yep, must be a Dvorsky article (and most of it's a quote, too!).

Fitting that it was Gaiman out there, since he was the one who said "George R. R. Martin is not your bitch" in a 2009 blog post.