
If that was Season 3, it was because Paramount was actively trying to kill it off.

The City on the Edge of Forever, your argument is invalid.

I'd call that one even, since Spidey had Tobey McGuire first.


You call it "transfer", I call it "copy and erase the original".

Greaaat, now the racists have more ammo.

This isn't the Free Cities, this was part of the old Ghiscari Empire (think ancient Egypt). True, it was the first place to fall to the Valyrian dragons, but the Targaryens are most definitely not "from" there. This city predates the Freehold by thousands of years.

The Martells are French. The Targaryens are Roman.

NYC is on three islands, and the Bronx is on the mainland.

You call it climate change, I call it recovery from the last Ice Age.

Eh, they'll just get some other guy to take the fall.

Supposedly, the author's a close friend of his. Lay off a bit.

NOBODY is criticizing the author here, it's obvious that he isn't a native English speaker. This is on the editor, who resides within the United States, works for an English-language website, and therefore should have an excellent understanding of American English grammar.

I know you're being facetious, but the entire point of Libertarianism is that you choose to give your money instead of being forced to by another entity (like the government). Charities (including churches) are their "safety net".

No better place to hide than in plain sight.

So...looks like this movie's so bad, it's decent. Got it.

Thranduil was from Lindon, which is known in the Silmarillion as Beleriand. His father had served Elu Thingol (King of the Sindar of Doriath, great-great-grandfather of Elrond) during the First Age, became King of the Greenwood Elves (who had stayed behind when the Elves we know went west) afterwards, and died

Remember who else dies there?

Notice that she didn't say exactly who dies...

If future-we have the technology to down/upload someone's consciousness, then why bother with physical bodies at all? Throw anyone crazy enough to try this into the Matrix, and let them "live" there.