

Cleaner air, fewer people to disturb with the noise (or potentially kill if Something Goes Wrong).

On the other end of the spectrum, Rose Tyler.

Not for lack of trying, see the BS from earlier this week.

If you're too tired to search, you're too tired to post.

Uranium works too, but you're still right.

112 actually has a name: Copernicium.

This is Breitbart we're talking about here. Their sole reason for existing is to find socialist anti-'Merica conspiracies in everything. I wonder how they'd feel about most of my favorite webcomics...

Faith can be a good thing. Religion, for the most part, only exists to fill its pockets with your money (demanded as the price of admission to Heaven, no less).

She's probably talking about the Penokee and Mesabi Ranges, which got ground down by several glaciation periods. Even now, there are parts of the Mesabi that are nearly 2000 feet above sea level (which had been completely covered during the last ice age), and the lake itself is about 600 feet up.

Fanfiction has been legal for years, just ask EL James and Cassandra Clare.

There has to be a better use for those toads than pregnancy tests...

Bhopal's on his list...

Actually, this means that this will get swept under the rug with minimal fines and light prison sentences for the equipment operators. It may be an English-speaking country, but it's still the Third World.

Different priorities for different people.

Not quite. Those countries are still a bit under half of the world's population, and China's demographics are likely to cause a major drop in that country's population over the next few decades.

More specifically, this says that most people live between 45°N and 15°N.

It's Bricken, he's trolling all of you with the spelling.

Bones can be dated by testing the decay of radioactive elements in the bones themselves or in the surrounding soil (in this case, the decay of Potassium 40 to Argon 40 in the volcanic ash that many early human fossils are found in). This method is as proven as any scientific process can be, and orders of magnitude

Into Darkness takes place 35-40 years before Picard was born in the Original Timeline. The Picard thing isn't for ST3, it could be for 4, 5, or even later.