
That's also why people love the new Evil Dead movie so much, because they actually used physical "blood" and practical effects. It looks like something's actually happening because something is ACTUALLY HAPPENING to the actors, instead of them having to react to a blank wall and a colored ball.

Paging Doctor Herring, Doctor Red Herring...

There needs to be a "Fundie Warning" sticker we can slap on people like you.

People have stinky feet. When there are a lot of people jammed together, there's going to be a stronger odor.

That moment when everything after "Je" is cut off...

This is Bricken you're talking about. He's trolling us.

Not really. It would be just another sect of Judaism if Peter, Paul, and later generations hadn't spread it throughout the Roman Empire, and it took until Theodosius (Edict of Thessalonica in 380 and the ensuing systematic persecution of pagans) to ensure that it would come out on top.

They have 12 packs here in Wisconsin.

That depends on if you count "slowly turning into a tree" bad or not.

Admission time: I stopped watching Warehouse 13 a while ago. Not completely my fault, as Season 2 started during summer 2010 (when I was working at a sleepaway camp), but I just haven't gotten around to watching the show since then.

This isn't the first time this has happened. Looks to me like they need to fill a mothership-mandated quota, and have nothing to write about on a Sunday.

Can't agree more. When costs are higher than any other developed nation, there's something seriously wrong.

Now playing

In this economy? You're obviously not a college student or recent graduate.

I'm one of the uninsured, but it would be my choice to be even if I had the money. I don't want somebody in Washington deciding that I, as a male, need pre-natal care in my policy.

As far as I can tell, here's the original source, posted yesterday. Naturally, it's a Reddit post.

Damn, I had my hopes up that this was a Fanfiction Friday revival.

No more goofy than most religions at their beginning...

Battersea Power Station? Anybody?

President and Navy vet, so he gets one. If you don't like it, then you should've taken it up with Senator Warner back in 2006.